New Art on ... line


After the filming phase in May and June and the gala premiere at brut nordwest, PING PONG SPLIT SCREEN is now available online as film!
New Art on ... line

Rough Translation – Grob gesagt: Krieg Edition 3 with Kateryna Kalytko (Recording in Ukrainian & German)

Readings & talks with Ukrainian poets. A cooperation of the Institute of Sprachkunst in cooperation with brut and the Literaturhaus Vienna. Kateryna Kalytko was the guestof the third edition.
New Art on ... line Podcast

Rough Translation – Grob gesagt: Krieg Edition 2 with Iryna Tsilyk (Recording in Ukrainian & German)

Readings & talks with Ukrainian poets. A cooperation of the Institute of Sprachkunst in cooperation with brut and the Literaturhaus Vienna. Iryna Tsilyk was the guestof the second edition.
New Art on ... line

Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir – AIRY MATTERS

“By using up the air for telling, without ever telling of air itself”– Luce Irigary, "The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger"
be spectACTive! New Art on ... line

Katharina Senk & Tanja Erhart – j_e_n_g_a. The Movie

j_e_n_g_a – The Movie is a multi-lingual dance-film in which Tanja Erhart, her two crutches and Katharina Senk explore the juicyness of pleasure, interdependence and intersectional feminism in multi-sensorial perspectives. The film contains interactive parts in which the viewers have options to choose from and to guide the film while diving into their very own pleasure feelings.
New Art on ... line


NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Today, in the Anthropocene, there seems to be nothing left untouched by humans. Dwindling species, thawing permafrost, landscapes of toxic trash: human impact appears all-encompassing. But the reverse is also true: nothing we get in touch with leaves us unchanged. (VIDEO)
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Karin Pauer & Aldo Giannotti – THE SCORE

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Dance meets visual art in THE SCORE. Projected onto the floor, the minimalist black-and-white drawings by artist Aldo Giannotti create a choreographic score and movement guide. Karin Pauer, known among other things from her work in the performance company Liquid Loft, designs an artistic and social field for experimentation between art and choreography, joined by dancers Lau Lukkarila and Arttu Palmio. (VIDEO)
imagetanz New Art on ... line

Agnes Schneidewind, Johanna Nielson & Marina Poleukhina – eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Three female artists jump from a (sur)face and delve into the exciting worlds of Tarot: In eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey, Agnes Schneidewind, Johanna Nielson and Marina Poleukhina draw inspiration from one of the trump cards, reading into it with all their senses and sentiments, including the subconscious and irrational ones. They dance, they draw, and they interact with a number of different objects in permanent circulation. (VIDEO)
New Art on ... line

Costas Kekis – Bounce

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: "Bounce" is a performative ritual of personal and collective repair. The group of five performers work through shared sensorial physical practices of emotional resilience, driven by the need to care, cure, withstand and thrive.
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Frans Poelstra – this body of stories. the lockdown version

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: In this video, Frans Poelstra tells the story of how he became a performer and dancer. For those who couldn't attend our last Sunday Screening, his entertaining story is now available online.
New Art on ... line

Inge Gappmaier – protect. there is no wind in geometrical worlds

NEW ART ON LINE ... ALL SUMMER LONG: In her dance piece protect., Inge Gappmaier creates a hypnotic atmosphere full of suspense by staging a duet with herself. Accompanied by an intensely uncanny soundscape, she stages questions regarding the isolated, narcissist self and its reflection in the digital world. (VIDEO)
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Jan Machacek & Oliver Stotz – EWIGE 80er

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG EWIGE 80er is a performative video that targets a time when fear of a nuclear catastrophe grew and in which a conservative backlash formed after the optimistic mood of the 1960s and 70s in the capitalist West. Jan Machacek and Oliver Stotz bring that time to life and ask what connects the spirit of the 80s with our society today.
imagetanz New Art on ... line

imagetanz 2021 Julia Müllner – gathering bacteria in my carrier bag

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Julia Müllner’s performance is centred around the process of fermentation, a way of microbial transformation and preservation. While microbes negotiate their symbiotic long-term relationships, tentacular dances of a romancing mite become intertwined with costume textures and pulsate performatively while squinting to the rhythm created by sound artist Christa Wall. (VIDEO)
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Alex Franz Zehetbauer – AyH

NEW ART ON...LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Beginning with an interest in spirals, AyH is a sonic experiment guided by the work and methods of the painter and mystic Hilma af Klint. It is a concert of acoustic paintings composed by several non-human musicians in collaboration with Alex Franz Zehetbauer and Christian Schröder. (VIDEO)
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Claire Lefèvre – peachfuzz

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: In peachfuzz Claire Lefèvre embraces Radical Softness as a performance strategy and a form of resistance. This piece is a celebration of tenderness and vulnerability, a choreographic caress, a care practice, and a warm invitation to relax your jaw and let your shoulders melt. (VIDEO)
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Malika Fankha – AWOL. LAVA

The third music video in the series "AWOL" by Malika Fankha is online!
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Object trouvé with Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir – AIRY MATTERS

Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir talks about the book The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger by Luce Irigaray that plays an important role in creating her upcoming project AIRY MATTERS, which will be presented at brut nordwest in autumn 2021.
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Malika Fankha – AWOL. ODE

The new music video "AWOL. ODE" by Malika Fankha is out now!
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Malika Fankha – AWOL. KARMA

"AWOL" (“Absent Without Leave”) explores synergies between humans and nature’s mystical creatures and the significance of sensuality on an analogue, spiritual and virtual scale. Coproduced by brut and Tanzhaus Zürich, Malika Fankha created 3 music videos for "AWOL" that take us into a world of elves, trolls and other hybrid beings who challenge our thinking in stereotypes and duality due to their queer, volatile essence.
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Lau Lukkarila – Nyxxx

Lau Lukkarila presented their performance "Nyxxx" to the brut audience on January 15th in the form of a video via zoom. Those who missed the event can now watch the video online.
New Art on ... line – EXIT GHOST Season II / Episode 7 - 9

In the last three episodes of EXIT GHOST, the Karl-Marx-Hof becomes the center of the ghost movement in Vienna. Hantology becomes a school subject, a live concert becomes a stage for the rights of spirits, and what is actually going on with the spectre of communism?
New Art on ... line – EXIT GHOST Season II / Episode 4 - 6

In episode 4 - 6 Vienna and the whole world looks deserted - Lockdown! Behind the facades of the ghost towns, however, life goes on and our protagonists are haunted by good and evil spirits. Living together in the ghost community becomes an experiment in front of the camera. Stories from Lockdown's everyday life, which was anything but everyday.
New Art on ... line – EXIT GHOST Season II / Episode 1 - 3

The peaceful coexistence of ghosts and humans was on top of the agenda at the Hantological Congress of autumn 2019 in Vienna. The GHOST RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL movement has since met with growing approval. The big glamorous online premiere of the ghost series had to be postponed to December 5th. Now we are presenting the entire second season on our website, divided into three parts and we will start with episode 1-3.
New Art on ... line

Julia Müllner – gathering bacteria in my carrier bag

The online presentation of "Handle with care selected by BEATE" took place on January 16th. For those who couldn't be there, Julia Müllner's video about her work "gathering bacteria in my carrier bag" is now available online.
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Deborah Hazler – An Evening to RRRRRRRRRRR (rant, rave, rage, revolt, resist, rebel)

For those who didn't make it to "An Evening to RRRRRRRRRRR (rant, rave, rage, revolt, resist, rebel)" in October, Deborah Hazler's performance evening with contributions by Mia & Michikazu Matsune, Ursula Maria Probst, Shayma & Seba can now be watched online.
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Natascha Gangl, Rdeča Raketa – DIE REVANCHE DER SCHLANGENFRAU (SELBSTMORDSCHWESTERN 1) wurde im Rahmen des Droste Festivals 2020 von Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature in Kooperation mit brut Wien gezeigt.
Letters for later New Art on ... line

Nesterval – Der Kreisky-Test

Programmredakteurin und Journalistin Magdalena Mayer schreibt einen Letter for later an das Unbehagen – inspiriert von Nestervals "Der Kreisky-Test".
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LOGBUCH | Literarische Denkfabrik Politik & Gefühl

Im Rahmen der literarischen Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ haben Anahit Bagradjans, Laurine Irmer, Laura Kunz, Maximilian Andratsch und Laurenz Rogi ein Logbuch geführt, das ihre Vorbereitungen über 14 Tage hinweg protokolliert. Die Autor*innen studieren derzeit am Institut für Sprachkunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
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es gibt diese namen / es gibt diese wut

Beitrag der Studierenden der Sprachkunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien –Laura Bärtle, Hannah Bründl, Anouk Doujak, Maë Schwinghammer
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sum me up – Literarische Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ – TAG 3

Im Rahmen der Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ protokollieren Anahit Bagradjans, Laurine Irmer, Laura Kunz, Maximilian Andratsch und Laurenz Rogi das Programm der jeweiligen Tage, sie schreiben darüber, was wir gehört haben, (über)hören wollten, überschreiben Gesagtes, schreiben es weiter. Die Autor*innen studieren derzeit am Institut für Sprachkunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
New Art on ... line

sum me up – Literarische Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ – TAG 2

Im Rahmen der Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ protokollieren Anahit Bagradjans, Laurine Irmer, Laura Kunz, Maximilian Andratsch und Laurenz Rogi das Programm der jeweiligen Tage, sie schreiben darüber, was wir gehört haben, (über)hören wollten, überschreiben Gesagtes, schreiben es weiter. Die Autor*innen studieren derzeit am Institut für Sprachkunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
New Art on ... line

sum me up – Literarische Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ – TAG 1

Im Rahmen der Denkfabrik „Politik und Gefühl“ protokollieren Anahit Bagradjans, Laurine Irmer, Laura Kunz, Maximilian Andratsch und Laurenz Rogi das Programm der jeweiligen Tage, sie schreiben darüber, was wir gehört haben, (über)hören wollten, überschreiben Gesagtes, schreiben es weiter. Die Autor*innen studieren derzeit am Institut für Sprachkunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
Letters for later
Letters for later New Art on ... line

Letters for later

Initiated by Claire Lefèvre, Letters for later is a writing project which allows audience members to write open letters about the performances programmed at brut. Addressed to the artists, to the piece, or to the world, these letters offer a gentle and personal alternative to review-writing, inviting spectators to share their impressions from a place of care and curiosity, while also acknowledging their subjectivity.
Welcome to the Fisch-Haus
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Video: Claire Lefèvre – "Welcome to the Fisch Haus" (2018) full version

Four mesmerizing mermaids invite you to the depth of their cabaret: "Welcome to the Fisch Haus"! In the sirens’ after-hours joint, the mystical creatures try to sprinkle some glamour throughout the agonizing length of their aquatic life span. Between land and sea, human and animal, reality and magic, they distract each other, serenade their drowned lovers, and seduce you, dear audience. – DER HANTOLOGISCHE KONGRESS
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Video:'s Exit Ghost Season 1 in full lenght

The first season of's "Exit Ghost" deals with the tragic events at the Augsburg State Theater and forms the prehistory for season 2, which will be created in April and May together with brut in Vienna.
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Video: Watch's NACHTWACHE (German, 2018) in full lenght

Once upon a time in the future there was a world in which one could only sleep secretly, a world of constant waking, a world of endless sunrises, a world of 24/7.
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Video: Veza Fernández – When Eye Becomes Mouth (2018) full version

The new work by dancer/choreographer Veza Fernández adopts a feminist perspective in dealing with the emancipatory power of dance.
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Video: Oleg Soulimenko – Swimming Pool (2018)

Performance artist Oleg Soulimenko invites the audience to join him for an atmospheric trip into the Viennese Jörgerbad. In the eerily empty, quiet bath, the audience will roam through a landscape of performance and water. An installation spanning the entire bath will push the limits of perception, grabbing visitors with a very special allure.
February 2025
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brut all over Vienna

brut nordwest


Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)

February 2025
Doris Uhlich
Come Back Again
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Dramaturgy Blind Inclusive
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open workshop
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open rehearsal
March 2025
Henrike Iglesias & Miss Theatre

studio brut

not accessible

Zieglergasse 25, 1070 Wien
Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)

brut at Exhibit Eschenbachgasse


Eschenbachgasse 11 / Ecke Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
U-Bahn: U4, U1 (Karlsplatz), Tram: 1, 2, D, 71 (Burgring), Bus: 57A (Getreidemarkt)

February 2025
Invisible Collection
February 2025
Authorship and Gender: Panel discussion with Denise Palmieri and Raffaela Bielesch
February 2025
I thought I had an original idea