
Artwork imagetanz 2024 – YOU ARE MADE OF DANCE

In this year's imagetanz subjects by Anaïs Horn, nature and human processes merge and create an atmosphere of natural stasis that is set in motion.


It's imagetanz time again! This year's imagetanz festival opened yesterday! brut is looking forward to three exciting weeks of news on choreography and performance. Artists and collectives will present a programme of (world) premieres, workshop formats, discussion rounds and studio visits.

Impressions of the conference "The Art of Access: Creating access, shaping accessibility" at brut nordwest

Aesthetics and conditions of accessibility; access dramaturgy, creative audio description and tactile guidances, Sign Language and surtitling, designing caring, sustainable structures, breaks, snacks, and rooms for retreat – all this and more was on schedule on March 16th as part of the imagetanz festival.

Recording of the conference "The Art of Access: Creating access, Shaping accessibility"

Aesthetics and conditions of accessibility; access dramaturgy, creative audio description and tactile guidances, Sign Language and surtitling, designing caring, sustainable structures, breaks, snacks, and rooms for retreat – all this and more was on schedule on March 16th as part of the imagetanz festival. Not just because it’s nice and exciting, creates new and innovative things, and on various levels enriches processes in art and society at large, but also because uninhibited access on all levels is a basic right of disabled, chronically ill, crip, neurodivergent, deaf, hearing-impaired, blind, and visually impaired people. Hosts: Tanja Erhart & Julischka Stengele / Gutests: Pam Eden, Eva Egermann & Cordula Thym, Katharina ‘Senki’ Senk, Liv Schellander, Noa Winter

Artwork imagetanz 2023 – we show you what you can't see

This year's artwork for imagetanz by Charlie Engman tease out visual possibilities, opening up new spaces between reality and fiction. His playful images deal with transformations and the sculptural potential of actions. The images were created by Engman using AI.

Opening imagetanz Festival 2023

With La notte è il mio giorno preferito by Annamaria Ajmone, imagetanz Festival 2023 opened on March 2. Until March 25 brut shows news on choreography and performance. Christine Miess captured the impressions of the evening for us in atmospheric pictures.

Ballroom meets brut

For the opening of this year's imagetanz festival, Kiki House of Dive invited for the first time to a Kiki Ball at brut.

imagetanz closing party with A party called JACK

We celebrated the closing of this year's imagetanz festival on March 25 under the disco balls at brut nordwest together with festival visitors, artists and dance enthusiasts. A big thank you to A party called JACK, who provided the sound for this closing party with Flo Real & JP Bechamel and the singer GIANNA!

imagetanz 2022 Opening

The imagetanz festival 2022 opened with SHE LEGEND by Rykena/Jüngst on March 4th and at brut nordwest and all over Vienna the motto until March 26th is: Feed the Dance! Christine Miess captured the impressions in beautiful pictures for us.

Interview with Stina Fors: Experimental vocal techniques

The performance artist Stina Fors transforms her mouth into a theatre. In the interview you can learn more about her understanding of communication, her needs for a rehearsal process and the power of imagination.

Art Work imagetanz 2022 – recipes that move your body

This year's imagetanz subjects by Maisie Cousins combine the beautiful with the grotesque.

Rykena/Jüngst – SHE LEGEND (2019/20)

FROM MARCH 6th: In SHE LEGEND, the choreographer duo Rykena/Jüngst embarks on a search for the queer potential of the comic world, its superheroes and their choreographic translations onto the stage. A recording of the piece in the 2019/20 version can be viewed here until March 26 (also with an English audio description).

Interview mit Rykena/Jüngst: Queere Comicfiguren

Lisa Rykena und Carolin Jüngst sprechen über Popkultur, das Durchbrechen von Stereotypen und empfehlen ihre Lieblingscomics.

Interview mit CHICKS*: Shake off patriarchy!

CHICKS* sprechen über die Arbeit im Kollektiv, den Ballsaal ihrer Träume und den Tanz der Zukunft.

Interview with Jaskaran Anand: social research project

L-INKED/THE SOLO Teaser: Jaskaran Anand talks about his inspiration, desires and the process which led to his performance L-INKED/THE SOLO.

Interview mit Mzamo Nondlwana: Visions of the future

Mzamo Nondlwana about concepts of community, sharing visions as inspiration and negotiating the future.

Interview with Zoe Gudović – A toilet becomes a temporary living room

Toilet artist Zoe Gudović transforms the brut toilets during imagetanz 2022 into a temporary living room. We spoke about the themes of her artistic works and the toilet as temple.

Interview with Cat Jimenez: Street- and Contemporary Dance as political commentary

The dancer Cat Jimenez presents the performance losing face together with three other artists as part of imagetanz. Here she describes how the themes of racism, trauma and colonialism can be expressed performatively. Can dance change society?

Interview mit Fabian Faltin & Adam Dekan: Kuratierter Rundgang durchs brut nordwest

Fabian Faltin und Adam Dekan haben eine geführte Tour durch brut nordwest entworfen. Wie sie auf diese Idee gekommen sind, was euch bei dem Rundgang möglicherweise erwartet und was sie auf dem Gelände schon alles entdeckt haben, erzählen die Beiden in diesem Interview.

Interview mit Sara-Lisa Bals: Performative Gedichte

Die Liebe zum Theater, ihre Studien der Bühnengestaltung und Transmedialer Kunst haben Sara-Lisa Bals zur Performancekunst geführt. In ihrer neuen Arbeit vereint sie ihre unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfelder und entwickelt einen performativen Gedichtband.

Interview with Maggessi/Morusiewicz: wormhole stories

Maggessi/Morusiewicz are combining their interests in their collective work on the content-related and formal level. Their shared interest in wormholes will be the topic of their contribution to this year’s imagetanz Festival.

Interview mit verena herterich & Oravin: Verflochtene Berührungen

Wie können Berührung und Narration sich in Gesten, Worten, Klang, Affekt und Raum verflechten? Mit dieser Frage haben sich verena herterich und Oravin beschäftigt. Präsentiert wird ihr Arbeitsprozess im Rahmen der Reihe Handle with care featuring HUGGY BEARS.

Interview mit Luca Bonamore & Francesca Valeria Karmrodt: Labor der Zärtlichkeit

Luca Bonamore und Francesca Valeria Karmrodt geben dem brut-Publikum im Rahmen der Reihe Handle with care Einblicke in ihren Probenprozess. Welche Rolle die Dating Show Herzblatt dabei spielt, ist in diesem Interview nachzulesen.

Interview mit Lisa Bunderla / Alina Bertha: Die Kraft der Möglichkeiten

Lisa Bunderla und Alina Bertha sprechen über ihren Weg zur Performancekunst, ihre kollektive Arbeitsweise und welche Rolle Bibelreferenzen und der philosophische Begriff der Potenz in ihrem Showing im brut nordwest spielen werden.

imagetanz Festival 2021 – Emotional Support Festival

Presenting international guest performances, dance premieres by young artists from Vienna and across Austria, studio visits, workshops and talks, the imagetanz festival marks a beloved March highlight of brut’s programme. Even though planning is not the easiest thing to accomplish at the moment – for reasons known all too well –, we hereby declare that imagetanz 2021 will take place! While it will be somewhat different in shape and duration, its way of being experimental, young, new, international and exciting will be unaffected. We called this instalment the Emotional Support Festival because we know how hard these times are – for many of us, all over the world. That’s why we’re here, that’s why we keep going: We will be improvising, we will be digital and we will use hybrid formats to actually get involved with this present in order to shape it instead of just leaving it to itself.

Art Work imagetanz 2021

Our poster subjects by photographer Bubi Canal visually underline this year's motto of imagetanz: Emotional Support Festival
imagetanz New Art on ... line

imagetanz 2021 Julia Müllner – gathering bacteria in my carrier bag

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Julia Müllner’s performance is centred around the process of fermentation, a way of microbial transformation and preservation. While microbes negotiate their symbiotic long-term relationships, tentacular dances of a romancing mite become intertwined with costume textures and pulsate performatively while squinting to the rhythm created by sound artist Christa Wall. (VIDEO)
imagetanz New Art on ... line

Agnes Schneidewind, Johanna Nielson & Marina Poleukhina – eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey

NEW ART ON ... LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Three female artists jump from a (sur)face and delve into the exciting worlds of Tarot: In eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey, Agnes Schneidewind, Johanna Nielson and Marina Poleukhina draw inspiration from one of the trump cards, reading into it with all their senses and sentiments, including the subconscious and irrational ones. They dance, they draw, and they interact with a number of different objects in permanent circulation. (VIDEO)

Florian Malzacher – Theater als Versammlung

"The Art of Assembly" ist eine neue brut-Reihe, in der Autor und Dramaturg Florian Malzacher mit wechselnden Gäst*innen aus Kunst, Politik und Gesellschaft über politisches Theater diskutiert. Anlässlich der dritten Ausgabe mit den Gäst*innen mit Jodi Dean (Politikwissenschaftlerin, New York) und Jonas Staal (Künstler, Athen/Rotterdam), die im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals im März 2021 präsentiert wird, veröffentlicht brut im online Magazin einen Text von Florian Malzacher zum Thema „Theater als Versammlung“.

Interview with Samara Hersch: How can theatre be intimate?

In ihrem Stück "Body of Knowledge – At Home" lässt die australische Theatermacherin, Regisseurin und lehrende Künstlerin Samara Hersch das Wiener Publikum per Telefon intime Gespräche mit Jugendlichen führen – über Sexualität, Scham und Sterblichkeit. The Gap hat sie ein Interview zu ihrer Produktion gegeben.

Julia Müllner im Interview mit PW-Magazine: Präsenz des Unsichtbaren

Kann Fermentieren eine politische Praxis sein? Die Choreografin Julia Müllner bringt ungeahnte (non)humane Symbiosen auf die Bühne ihres ersten Stückes.

Interview mit Laura Stoll: Performancekunst trifft auf medizinische Praxis

Im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals lädt Laura Stoll zu einem Online-Probenbesuch ins Huggy Bears Studio. Im Interview erzählt die Künstlerin von ihrer aktuellen Arbeit "Questionnaire Series" und ihre Erfahrungen als Medizinerin und Performancekünstlerin.

Interview with PUC: A never-ending transformation

During imagetanz, the PUC collective invites the audience to an online rehearsal visit to the Huggy Bears studio. In an interview the members of the collective talk about their project "The first image was the outline of a shadow", their artistic practice and aesthetics.

Interview mit Susanne Songi Griem: Biografie als Collage

Im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals lädt die Künstlerin Susanne Songi Griem zu einem Online-Probenbesuch ins LE STUDIO. Im Interview erzählt sie von den Einflüssen, die ihrer Arbeit "Library of Unfinished Memories // Fisch und Schwan in Negligé" zugrunde liegen.
imagetanz be spectACTive!

Interview mit Klemens Hegen: Die Schönheit des Scheiterns

Im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals lädt das Team von "poetry of failure" zu einem Online-Probenbesuch. Im Interview erzählt Klemens Hegen, was der Ausgangspunkt für ihre Arbeit war und worin die Schönheit des Scheiterns liegt.
imagetanz be spectACTive!

Interview mit Sara-Lisa Bals: Ein fiktiver Feiertag zu Ehren einer widerständigen Frau*

Im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals lädt Sara-Lisa Bals zu einem Online-Probenbesuch. Im Interview erzählt sie, was es mit dem fiktiven Feiertag auf sich hat, nach dem ihre Performance "CUMERNUSTAG" benannt ist.

Interview with Jaskaran Anand: Dance is a liberating force!

Jaskaran Anand’s performance "Around L-INKED" is part of this year’s imagetanz festival edition. In an interview he talks about his project, the role gender and sexuality play in his artistic work and what dance really means to him.

Interview with Frida Robles: Personal storytelling as method of healing

During imagetanz, artist Frida Robles invites the audience to an online rehearsal visit to Huggy Bears studio. In an interview she talks about her project "Sessions with Frida. A performance on the possibilities of healing", the intersections between art and psychoanalysis as well as the concept of healing through art.

Interview mit maria mercedes: Masken als Filter und Transmitter

Im Rahmen des imagetanz Festivals lädt das Duo maria mercedes zu einem Online-Probenbesuch ins Huggy Bears studio. Im Interview erzählen die beiden Künstlerinnen von ihrer aktuellen Arbeit "Ballade" und wie sie als Duo zusammenarbeiten.

Interview mit Johanna Nielson, Agnes Schneidewind und Marina Poleukhina: Spekulative Körperlandschaften

Johanna Nielsons, Agnes Schneidewinds und Marina Poleukhinas "eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey" ist Teil des diesjährigen imagetanz Festivals. Im Interview erzählen die drei Künstler*innen von ihrer Arbeit und wie ihr Projekt entstanden ist.
imagetanz Letters for later

Lau Lukkarila – Nyxxx

Mathea Magdalena, a transgender artist interested in creating interactive visual and performative spaces, situations and environments with an interdisciplinary approach, share their letter for later inspired by Lau Lukkarila's "Nyxxx".
imagetanz Letters for later

Malika Fankha – Oxy Moron. A Cyborg Utopia

Queer non-binary performing artist Mzamo Nondlwana writes a letter inspired by "Oxy Moron" to the future and to the Hottentot Venus.
Alex Franz Zehetbauer – wet dreaming at 52 Hz
imagetanz Letters for later

Alex Franz Zehetbauer – wet dreaming at 52Hz

Student at the theatre, film and media studies department of the University of Vienna Eszti Zala and Performer Alex Bailey share their thoughts on Alex Franz Zehtbauer's "wet dreaming at 52Hz"

Photos: Handle with care feat. HUGGY BEARS

Contributions by Fabian Faltin / Daphna Horenczyk / Hyeji Nam & mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni / Rhizomatic Circus Collective

Photos of the opening of imagetanz 2020

The opening of the festival for took place this year in the Ankersaal of the Brotfabrik in Favoriten. The festive opening included the performances "Panflutes and Paperwork" by Ingrid Berger Myhre and Lasse Passage and "Again the Sunset" by Inga Huld Hákonardóttir. © Franzi Kreis
imagetanz Letters for later

Inga Huld Hákonardóttir – Again the Sunset

Liv Schellander, dance and performance artist, choreographer and facilitator shares her thoughts about the opening performance of this years imagetanz "Again the Sunset" by Inga Huld Hákonardóttir.
imagetanz Letters for later

Ingrid Berger Myhre & Lasse Passage – Panflutes & Paperworks

Performer and writer Claire Lefévre adresses her letter about "Panflutes and Paperwork" to Ingrid Berger Myhre, whose work she encountered in the past.

The Power of Music

Interview with Ingrid Berger Myhre & Lasse Passage

Searching for Haunted Love Songs

Interview with Inga Huld Hákonardóttir

Embrace the Unpredictable

Interview with Malika Fankha

Vibrating, Ridiculous and Sexy

Interview with Lau Lukkarila

Dokumentation als Erfahrung im Hier und Jetzt

Interview mit Charlotta Ruth und Dominik Grünbühel

An Invitation to a Sensorial World

Interview with Asher O’Gorman

Von schmelzenden Schwellenängsten und lustigen Frauen*

Interview mit hannsjana
A conceptual image of a person in motion, captured with overlapping silhouettes. The figure, wearing a black top and light blue pants, appears in multiple faded positions, suggesting movement or a layered temporal effect. The neutral background enhances the ethereal and dynamic quality of the image.

Ein schwereloser Ort zum Staunen

Interview mit Inge Gappmaier

Vom Warenaustausch zum Meinungsaustausch

Interview mit Claudia Lomoschitz

A Spell Action for Self Love, Body and Community Empowerment

Interview with Alex Franz Zehetbauer & Guests

Handle with care feat. HUGGY BEARS

Three questions to Fabian Faltin / Daphna Horenczyk /Hyeji Nam & mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni / Rhizomatic Circus Collective
imagetanz be spectACTive!

Handle with Care selected by BEATE

Drei Fragen an Tanja Erhart & Katharina Senk und Julia Müllner

Searching for Radical Softness

Three questions to Claire Lefèvre
Zoë Schreckenberg – Nach dem Aufstehen und vor dem Liegen
imagetanz Letters for later

Zoë Schreckenberg – After Getting Up and Before Lying Down

Student at the theatre, film and media studies department of the University of Vienna Lara Cortellini shares her thoughts on Zoë Schreckenberg's "After Getting Up and Before Lying Down".
imagetanz Letters for later

Malika Fankha – Oxy Moron. A Cyborg Utopia

Choreographer, performer and writer Claire Lefèvre shares her thoughts about the imagetanz performance "Oxy Moron" by Malika Fankha.
imagetanz Letters for later

Sophia Hörmann – GLOWING current moods

Performer and choreographer Evandro Pedroni shares his thoughts about Sophia Hörmann's GLOWING current moods.
imagetanz Letters for later

Elina Pirinen – Brume de Mer

Choreographer, director and dancer Christine Gaigg and dancer Alja Ferjan share their thoughts on Elina Pirinen's "Brume de Mer" .
Jasmin Hoffer / Sara Lanner / Liv Schellander – Volume
imagetanz Letters for later

Sara Lanner / Jasmin Hoffer / Liv Schellander – Volume

The performers Marcus Fisch and Dorothea Zeyringer share their thoughts about "Volume" by Jasmin Hoffer / Sara Lanner / Liv Schellander.
Handle with care mit Asher O'Gorman – the way of ink ••º•. a performative ceremony celebrating the dynamics of human and non-human bodies
imagetanz Letters for later

Handle with care featuring Asher O'Gorman

Wera Hippesroither, PhD student and scientific project staff at University of Vienna, shares her thoughts about Asher O'Gorman's "the way of ink ••º• – a performative ceremony celebrating the dynamics of human and non-human bodies"
Robyn/Hugo Le Brigand – sans culottes
imagetanz Letters for later

Robyn/Hugo Le Brigand – sans culottes

Performer Denise Palmieri and choreographer, performer and writer Claire Lefèvre share their thoughts about the imagetanz performance "sans culottes" by Robyn/Hugo Le Brigand.
Handle with care mit Inge Gappmaier – protect.
imagetanz Letters for later

Handle with care featuring Inge Gappmaier – protect.

Dancer and choreographer Deborah Hazler shares her thoughts about the imagetanz Handle with care featuring Inge Gappmaier – protect.

Konfrontationsort Mund

Tanzende Kiefer und nie gehaltene Münder: Drei Fragen an Jasmin Hoffer, Sara Lanner & Liv Schellander zu ihrer imagetant-Uraufführung "Volume".

Wann bin ich Asiatin und wann Europäerin?

Bipolare Neigungen, kulturelle Hierarchien und Alltagsrassismus – Drei Fragen an Cat Jimenez & Maiko Sakurai Karner zu ihrer imagetanz-Uraufführung WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
Alex Franz Zehetbauer – wet dreaming at 52Hz

The Sonic Intelligence of Whales

"Wet dreaming at 52Hz" translates the science of the whale experience into the abstract. With this performance, Alex searches for what it would mean to have the mind of a whale or to perform in a room full of whale-minded people.

Die unscheinbaren Momente dazwischen

Drei Fragen an Zoë Schreckenberg zu ihrer imagetanz-Uraufführung "nach dem Aufstehen und vor dem Liegen". Durch die Kombination des Hauptelements Körperbewegung mit live improvisierten elektronischen Klängen und dem skulpturalen Bühnenbild experimentiert die Performance mit Momenten des Übergangs.

Gibt es das ultimative GLOW-Erlebnis?

Sophia Hörmann entwirft zu den Themen Selbstdarstellung und Erwartungshaltung ein Setting, in dem sie als Grenzgängerin buchstäblich durch Sphären und Emotionen gleitet.Drei Fragen an Sophia Hörmann zu ihrer imagetanz-Uraufführung "GLOWING current moods"
Cat Jimenez & Maiko Sakurai Karner – WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
imagetanz Letters for later

Maiko Sakurai Karner & Cat Jimenez – WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?

Choreographer and performer Philippe Riera and Scenography department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna Sophie Eidenberger share their thoughts on the imagetanz performance Maiko Sakurai Karner & Cat Jimenez – WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
February 2025
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brut all over Vienna

brut nordwest


Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)

February 2025
Doris Uhlich
Come Back Again
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Dramaturgy Blind Inclusive
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open workshop
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open rehearsal
March 2025
Henrike Iglesias & Miss Theatre

studio brut

not accessible

Zieglergasse 25, 1070 Wien
Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)

brut at Exhibit Eschenbachgasse


Eschenbachgasse 11 / Ecke Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
U-Bahn: U4, U1 (Karlsplatz), Tram: 1, 2, D, 71 (Burgring), Bus: 57A (Getreidemarkt)

February 2025
Invisible Collection
February 2025
Authorship and Gender: Panel discussion with Denise Palmieri and Raffaela Bielesch
February 2025
I thought I had an original idea