brut Tipp

OPEN CALL: RESIDENCY@Im_flieger 2025

Im_flieger provides selected dance/performance artists with space for 4 weeks, as well as fees for research and production, and offers choreographic and transmedia works a supportive environment: logistical accompaniment, artistic coaching as well publication of the work results at the end of the residency.

Deadline: 18 September 2024
brut Tipp

STANDARD plus E-Paper Abonnement

brut Tipp

Ausschreibung: PAKT– Plattform der Häuser darstellender Künste sucht ab dem 01.03.2024 eine*n Koordinator*in

PAKT ist eine Vereinigung öffentlich geförderter, gemeinnütziger Veranstaltungsbetriebe auf dem Gebiet der zeitgenössischen darstellenden Kunst in Wien. Ihr Zweck ist die Zusammenarbeit, der informelle Austausch und die Vernetzung sowie die Vertretung gemeinschaftlicher Interessen nach außen. Derzeit besteht PAKT aus siebzehn Bühnen. Die Hauptverantwortung der*des Koordinator*in von PAKT liegt in der Umsetzung der vom Vereinsvorstand bestimmten, internen und externen Koordinationsaufgaben zwischen dem Vorstand, den PAKT-Bühnen, ihren Partner*innen und der Öffentlichkeit. Bewerbungen bis 19. Februar
brut Tipp


This year Kunstraum Niederoesterreich is awarding the H13 Lower Austria Prize for Performance for the 18th time – the only prize in Austria for performance as a medium of fine art. Like last year, the prize is awarded in cooperation with a renowned European partner institution: the Mudam in Luxembourg. In addition to prize money (€5,000) the winner(s) may look forward to a multi-day, individual tutoring program with Mudam's assistant curator Clémentine Proby. Performance artists are invited to submit their concepts until 12.04.2024. They don't stipulate any thematic scope.
brut Tipp

Open Call: Ausschreibung für Koproduktionen 2025 LOFFT – das Theater Leipzig

LOFFT – DAS THEATER ist ein national und international anerkannter Ort für Koproduktionen, Veranstaltungen und Gastspiele von zeitgenössischem Tanz, postdramatischem Theater und Performance Art in Leipzig. Seit Frühjahr 2019 befindet sich unser Theater auf der Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, einem international vernetzten Ort für Bildende und interdisziplinäre Kunst.
brut Tipp

Open Call Tangente St. Pölten: 48 Stipendien zu vergeben

Open Call für Art of Community – Summerschool Camping vom 28.6. bis 7.7.2024 / Bewerbungsfrist: 12.5.2024
brut Tipp

OPEN CALL: Choreographic Platform Austria 2025

Following the great success of the Choreographic Platform 2023 in Vienna and St. Pölten, the next CPA will take place in Salzburg from November 20 to 23, 2025. All dance and performance artists working in Austria are invited to apply with their current productions. A jury of five will select between 10 and 13 contributions from the submissions to be shown live as part of CPA 2025. Application deadline is September 30, 2024.
brut Tipp


In 2025 Im_flieger offers the 4th edition of SCHULE@Im_flieger – a hybrid format that combines transgenerational and transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, artistic research, production and discourse. Under the artistic direction and mentoring of the Vienna-based choreographer, dancer, and teacher Elizabeth Ward, this edition will be dedicated to the topic “Artistic Research Through Slippery Time(s)“. Deadline: 1 October 2024
brut Tipp


Bears in the Park is looking for innovative Vienna-based artists and collectives who want to join the next round of the “Huggy Bears Supporting Program”. The program is designed for upcoming artists who are either already working in the performance art scene and/or dance or are motivated to enlarge their previous practice with performance art. This way a special transdisciplinary learning atmosphere is created which enables a shared knowledge transfer.
brut Tipp

Open Call: Kunstraum Lakeside — Exhibitions 2025

Kunstraum Lakeside invites artists to participate in its 2025 program with proposals for solo exhibitions. We are in search of projects that relate to the Kunstraum’s annual topic of “glitch” and experiment with modes of representation in the visual arts, in the context of an institution at the interface between art, science, and technology. Application deadline: March 10, 2024
brut Tipp

Education Programmes at ImPulsTanz 2024

ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival offers further education and training programmes for dancers and choreographers in order to provide possibilities to deepen their personal knowledge and skills, investigate new trends within contemporary dance and performance, network with fellow dance makers, teachers and artists or work extensively on a project. Applications are now open!
brut Tipp

Ausschreibung STIPENDIEN FÜR TANZ UND PERFORMANCE 2024 des Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport

Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an bereits professionell tätige, freischaffende Künstler*innen, deren Arbeit sich durch experimentelle Ausrichtung und innovativen Charakter auszeichnet. Die Stipendien sollen Kunstschaffenden im Bereich Tanz und Performance die Möglichkeit geben, neue künstlerische Konzepte und Projekte zu entwickeln und sich der Recherche, Konzeption und Vorbereitung künstlerischer Vorhaben zu widmen. Die Stipendien werden projektbezogen vergeben und dienen nicht primär für Fortbildungs- und Ausbildungsmaßnahmen oder Training. Bewerbungsfrist: 31.01.2024
brut Tipp

Ausschreibung Academy of Unlearning: Mentoring-Programm

Weiterbildungsprogramm im Tandem von und für Frauen* in der Kulturvermittlung in Kooperation mit brut, Dschungel Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Wiener Konzerthaus, Wien Museum, Wiener Staatsoper, Volkskundemuseum Wien und dem Verein Frauen helfen Frauen helfen Bewerbungsfrist: 25.01.2024
brut Tipp


K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg provides three paid eight-month residencies to choreographers who are at the beginning of their career and have produced multiple choreographic works of their own. The residency begins in August 2024 and runs until April 2025. It includes a scholarship, the use of the k3 studios, a production budget, as well as dramaturgical, technical, and production related support. It moreover links the projects proposed by the choreographers in residence closely to the various other on-going programs of K3. The application deadline is 15 August 2023 – 16:00 Central European Summer Time.
brut Tipp

Aerowaves Twenty24 Open Call

Apply now to become an Aerowaves Artist! Application deadline: August 10
brut Tipp

OPEN CALL Im_flieger Artistic Research through movement(s)

Dance, movement practices, somatic attention, perception, movement as a generator of possibilities, writing, mentoring, collective lab
brut Tipp

RENNWEG & SEESTADT STUDIOS for the independent scene

To strengthen the continuously growing independent dance and performance scene in Vienna, new rehearsal studios are available for artists in the performing arts field from 20 February 2023: the spacious premises of the former dancearts studios in the 3rd district and the former KulturQuartier in Seestadt. The studios offer sufficient space, also upwards, and professional equipment at a low rent. They are ideal for rehearsals, residencies and the realisation of individual artistic projects.
brut Tipp


For the installative dance production "now" varukt | Verein für zeitgenössische Choreographie und Tanz under the artistic direction of Inge Gappmaier is looking for four professional dancers to work together. Application deadline: March 29th, 2023
brut Tipp

OPEN CALL: WIENWOCHE 2023 „It’s getting cold in here!”

From September 15th to 24th, 2023, the twelfth edition of the activist cultural festival Wienwoche will take place. Under the title "It's getting cold in here!" WIENWOCHE 2023 asks about social and political implications of the climate crisis. Application deadline: January 31st
brut Tipp

Open Call Springback Academy 2023

Aspiring dance writers wanted! Springback Academy is offering once again aspiring dance writers the chance to be mentored in the fundamentals of quality dance criticism in the action-packed environment of Spring Forward, Aerowaves’ annual festival. Apply before 24:00 (GMT) Monday 9 January 2023
brut Tipp


Bears in the Park is looking for innovative Vienna-based artists and collectives who want to join the next round of the Huggy Bears Mentoring Program. The program is designed for upcoming artists who are either already working in the performance art scene and/or dance or are motivated to enlarge their previous practice with performance art. This way a special transdisciplinary learning atmosphere is created which enables a shared knowledge transfer. Application: November 6th 2022
Wiener Festwochen
brut Tipp

Casting Call Wiener Festwochen project 2023

The Wiener Festwochen is looking for candidates to be part of the performing team for the opera production Lulu directed by Marlene Monteiro Freitas, applications until: September 23rd
brut Tipp

Audition Call – Performer*in TANZ+STIMME gesucht

Für das Stück “Curriculum Vitae - Reinkarnationen unbekannter Künstler" ein choreografisches und interdisziplinäres Stück – aus Tanz, Musik und Text – wird ein*e Performer*in gesucht
brut Tipp

Casting for Feature Film

Catsing Call for feature length film. The shoot will take place in February 2023 in Vienna and will be carried out by a very small team (consisting mostly of FLINTA* persons). No acting experience is required. The team is not looking for a specific profile or kind of person. They rather want to continue developing the characters of this film in close collaboration with the performers, taking their own backgrounds and experiences into account.
brut Tipp

Aerowaves Twenty23 Open Call

Apply now to become an Aerowaves Artist! Aerowaves is a hub for dance discovery in Europe with a network of partners in 33 countries. The network is looking for the next Twenty talented emerging choreographers based in Europe. You can now apply to become a Twenty23 artist with the opportunity to have your work presented at the Spring Forward festival next year in Dublin (Ireland), and also by many of our Aerowaves partners around Europe.
brut Tipp


The planned group exhibition will explore themes around womanhood, femininity, sex and sexuality, doing gender and undoing gender. Through various formats and media, Highbrow Institute will showcase artistic works that aim to provide space for renegotiating contradictory and multi-layered narratives and perspectives. In this context, a variety of stories by artists from around the world will be on display. Deadline for submissions: 30th September 2022
brut Tipp

Kultursommer Wien 2022: Open Call for Artists

The Kultursommer Wien team and the Artistic Board 2022 are looking forward to numerous applications!
brut Tipp

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: education programmes at ImPulsTanz

Young dancers, choreographers and artists take note: you can apply again for the further education programmes at ImPulsTanz.
brut Tipp

K3 Residency Programme 2022/2023 – Call for applications

K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg provides three paid eight-month residencies per season to choreographers, who are currently at the beginning of their career and have produced some choreographic work of their own. The residency begins in August and runs until April of the following year. The residency includes mentoring and dramaturgical, technical, and production related support. It moreover links the projects proposed by the choreographers in residence closely to the various other on-going programs of K3.
brut Tipp

Open Call — Statements 2022

Kunstraum Lakeside invites artists and cultural practitioners to participate in its 2022 program with their own “Statement”. We are in search of performative formats that relate to the Kunstraum’s annual topic and experiment with modes of representation in the visual arts, in the context of an institution at the interface between art, science, and technology.
brut Tipp

Georg Blaschke / M.A.P. Vienna – CALL FOR AUDITION

Dancers and performers can apply to participate in Georg Blaschke's new project until Friday, March 5th.
brut Tipp

Crowdfunding for Gartenbaukino

For the first time since it opened in 1960, the Gartenbaukino is being completely renovated. The flair and charm of the cinema need no renovations – but the old cinema seats do. The Gartenbaukino therefore also wants to renew the seating in the hall and is launching a large crowdfunding campaign for this purpose. To thank you for your support the team has come up with twelve gift packages. Please choose one and become a supporter of the world!
brut Tipp


Call for applications for WORX, a program to promote young artists that will start at the beginning of the 22/23 season at the Berliner Ensemble. The project is aimed at directors with a directorial diploma as well as lateral entrants from the independent scene, or cross-disciplinary artists from German-speaking, but also from the international theater area. Application until: November 12th
brut Tipp

Open Call Learning from fungi for art

With the call "Learing from fungi for art", the Toihaus Salzburg is looking for projects that are devoted to the diverse significance of mushrooms for life on our planet and their connection and interweaving with it. Application deadline: February 28th, 2021
February 2025
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brut all over Vienna

brut nordwest


Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)

February 2025
Doris Uhlich
Come Back Again
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Dramaturgy Blind Inclusive
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open workshop
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open rehearsal
March 2025
Henrike Iglesias & Miss Theatre

studio brut

not accessible

Zieglergasse 25, 1070 Wien
Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)

brut at Exhibit Eschenbachgasse


Eschenbachgasse 11 / Ecke Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
U-Bahn: U4, U1 (Karlsplatz), Tram: 1, 2, D, 71 (Burgring), Bus: 57A (Getreidemarkt)

February 2025
Invisible Collection
February 2025
Authorship and Gender: Panel discussion with Denise Palmieri and Raffaela Bielesch
February 2025
I thought I had an original idea