In his new book, Gesellschaftsspiele, the curator and author Florian Malzacher pleads for a strong concept of the political and for a theater that not only reflects grievances but also helps to change the world. Together with cultural scientist and curator Nora Sternfeld (moderation) and the author Gerhild Steinbuch, he will discuss why and in what diversity theater can be political today in different parts of the world, not only in terms of its content but also in its form. In a time of great challenges, Gesellschaftsspiele plead for a strong concept of the political and for a theater that not only reflects grievances but also helps to change the world.
Note: In January 2021, the series of talks "Parlor games. Theater of the assembly" will start at brut, in which Florian Malzacher regularly invites politically active artists, activists and theorists to lectures and discussions. Parallel to the series an online archive on the topic is starting.
Florian Malzacher is a freelance curator, dramaturg and writer. After studying Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen he worked as a theatre critic (for publications including Theater Heute, Frankfurter Rundschau and taz) before becoming Chief Dramaturg/Curator for the festival steirischer herbst in Graz 2006 – 2012. From 2013 to 2017 he was Artistic Director of the Impulse Theater Festival (in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Mühlheim/Ruhr). Other credits include (co)curator of the International Summer Academy at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (2002 & 2004), the Performing Lectures in Frankfurt and Truth is Concrete in Graz (2012), the performative conference Appropriations at the Ethnological Museum Berlin/Humboldt Lab (2015), Artist Organisations International at the HAU Berlin (2015), and Sense of Possibility on the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution in St. Petersburg (2017). Florian Malzacher has edited and written numerous books on theatre and performance and on the relationship between art and politics.
“Rarely have the pitfalls of representation as the cornerstone of theater been explained so elegantly.”
Berliner Zeitung
“Malzacher provides a very good overview of current post-dramatic events and gathers a lot of empirical material.”
Simon Strauß, FAZ
“A knowledgeable foray into the landscape of political theater.”
Shirin Sojitrawalla, taz
“If you read this stimulating book, you will be up to date with the latest discursive knowledge without being overwhelmed by theory. An ideal side effect.”
Karin Cerny, profil
“Florian Malzacher revitalizes the concept of 'political theater' at exactly the right moment. An exciting read!”
Matthias Lilienthal
By and with Florian Malzacher Gäste Nora Sternfeld, Gerhild Steinbuch et. al.
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