brut im Kempelenpark
Performance / Urban-Performance-TV Series World Premiere in German
{time out of joint} {séance} {congress and film shoot}

Shooting for the second series of the’s new show EXIT GHOST is about to begin – on Halloween, of course – with a very special event: haunt researchers, ghost hunters and actual spectres gather in Vienna for THE HAUNTOLOGICAL CONGRESS.




, © brut Wien

brut im Kempelenpark, Gudrunstraße 11, 1100 Wien

2-day pass: € 9/€ 6/€ 0

Day pass: € 6/€ 4/€ 0

Please register via ticket link.

Hauntology, the study of spooks and visitations, looks for things in the presence that exist or do not yet exist, for those unachieved potentials and unfulfilled hopes that make ghosts walk the earth. In this project, defined as a mix of straightforward congress, séance and film shoot, theorists and artists meet to talk about – and with – spirits. Hamlet’s ghost will be there, and the spectre of communism has also been invited. The congress will begin with a key-note lecture by artist/researcher Sibylle Peters, after which will present the Vienna premiere of the first series of EXIT GHOST, which was created during the 2018/19 season in collaboration with Staatstheater Augsburg. On the second day of the congress, ghost voices will sound, places will be scoured for spirits to open the communication with a variety of them, as the boundaries between actual and fictional congress start to blur more and more. Finally, in the evening, a big joint film shoot will throw the congress right out of joints. The future belongs to the spirits!






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October 31st


5pm – 6pm: Workshop by Krõõt Juurak & Alex Bailey: Ghostanimals

In this workshop participants will learn to understand Ghostanimals – certain significant animals which are no longer amongst the living – through somatic-intuitive body practices as well as drawing and painting.

Krőõt Juurak and Alex Bailey are artists and performers based in Vienna. The research is based upon their projects Performances for Pets (2014) and Autodomestication (2008).

In English language. Comfortable clothing is recommended. Please register at


7pm: Keynote by Sibylle Peters: The Handbook for the Search for Ghosts – Genesis and Initiation

Presentation of the new manual for ghost search: With this book it is possible for transgenerational teams to find ghosts, catch them, get in touch with them and finally release them again.

Sibylle Peters, spritiually challenged, cultural scientist and theatre maker from Hamburg, director of the FUNDUS THEATER / Theatre of Research and the graduate college Performing Citizenship.


8pm: Vienna premiere of the first season of the web series EXIT GHOST by (created 2018-2019 in cooperation with the Staatstheater Augsburg)

Evil twin spirits upset the balance between the human world and the spirit world. All tracks lead to the theatre, where Hamlet is being rehearsed. At the premiere there will be a showdown – will there be a happy ending for everyone?


From 10pm: Drinks

November 1st


2 pm: The future belongs to the ghosts

Film shooting to participate in or watch

In Exit Ghost numerous protagonists have lost their lives. As spirits, they now discuss how the coexistance of the living and the dead could be better organized in the future.

With Staatstheater Augsburg (Marlene Hoffmann, Lutz Kessler, Klaus Müller, Karoline Stegemann, Thomas Prazak, Kai Windhövel), Irene Coticchio and


3 – 4 pm
Otmar 'Priest of Paranormal Phenomena' Wagner: GHOST EUROPE: An incantation

Otmar 'Priest of Paranormal Phenomena' Wagner, 50+, is a researcher of utopia and longing. Most recently he caused a sensation with his performative appearances 'WUNDE WELT' (2017-18) and 'KRANK IN EUROPA' (2019).


Neigungsgruppe Geisterbahn: Ghost driver on the way. One exit

The spirit of an accident victim is called out to talk about current developments and his ubiquitous restlessness – after all, in a spectacular experiment he is helped to finally come to rest.
Neigungsgruppe Geisterbahn is a collective of journalists, artists, scientists and educators with a focus on the politics of memory. They received the Outstanding Artist Award 2016 for their project „Graus der Geschichte“.


4 – 4:30 pm: Coffee Break


4:30 – 5:30 pm
Drehli Robnik: Hosting / Ghosting: Ghost Films and their political spirit (Lecture with Clips and Jumps)

Drehli Robnik is wannabe philosopher, essayist & edutainer in film/pop/politics, author of books on anti-Nazi-resistance, Rancière, control horror and Kracauer.


Vienna Ghosthunters: Ghost hunting in real life

Presentation on how to deal with paranormal exploration – followed by a ghost hunt with your own mobile phone.

The Vienna Ghost Hunters are Europe’s largest and oldest association for paranormal examinations.


5:30 – 6:30 pm
Krööt Juurak and Alex Bailey: Workshop-Presentation Ghostanimals

Krőõt Juurak and Alex Bailey are artists and performers based in Vienna.


Katharina Duve: (Im)possible Identities – Learning from Spirits

The live video lecture performance assembles experiences and finds from Indonesian ghost figures to answer the questions: How can we all become a little more spirit, how can we learn from spirits?

Katharina Duve is a transdisciplinary artist in the fields of experimental film, performances and costume. In „Narration der Vielfalt“ she works with the methods of collage.


6:30 – 7 pm: Coffee Break


7 – 8 pm
chra: Ghost Sounds Wood Noise

CHRA - Christina Nemec is a member of Orange/94.0 and okto, sound artist and musician (Shampoo Boy), DJ and author in Vienna. She is the founder of the queer feminist label comfortzone and a member of female:pressure.


Simon Mayer & Corine Sombrun: Voice Trance Ghost Dance (A State of Being Moved)

The state of being moved is examined – Cognitive Trance is the main key and also opens the door to the world of the spirits.

With Simon Mayer (choreographer, performer, musician) and Corine Sombrun (cognitive trance teacher & researcher, writer, composer).


8 – 9 pm: Dinner



DJ-Set by chra



The future belongs to slime
Movie shooting to join or to watch by

An underground river of psychoreactive slime caused a massive paranormal event in New York in 1989. We were able to get a sample of this slime, and now the Hauntological Congress is going into mass production. During the closing party this slime is released – with unforeseeable consequences for the future of the city of Vienna. is a platform for participatory web series projects. Using the format of film shoots, creates real-life events and collective actions that we otherwise only see on television and in the movies in urban areas. This artistic strategy of digressing the borders of every-day life is referred to by as soapification. Its most recent co-production with brut is the social-fiction series NIGHTWATCH about life in a world without sleep.


" is a platform for participatory web series projects. Using the format of film shoots, creates real-life events and collective actions that we otherwise only see on television and in the movies in urban areas. This artistic strategy of digressing the borders of every-day life is referred to by as soapification. Its most recent co-production with brut is the social-fiction series NIGHTWATCH about life in a world without sleep.

THE HAUNTOLOGICAL CONGRESS will also mark the start of shooting for the second series of EXIT GHOST in the 2019/20 season. As usual, whoever wants to participate is invited to do so – with or without acting or haunting experience. If you would like to be part of the series even after THE HAUNTOLOGICAL CONGRESS, feel free to reach out to at the congress itself or send an e-mail to



Featuring Alex Bailey, CHRA, Irene Coticchio, Katharina Duve, Krõõt Jurak, Simon Mayer, Sibylle Peters, Drehli Robnik, Otmar Wagner, Corine Sombrun, Neigungsgruppe Geisterbahn (Rosa Danner, Nils Olger, Gudrun Rath, Reneé Winter)Staatstheater Augsburg (Marlene Hoffmann, Thomas Prazak, Klaus Müller, Karoline Stegemann, Kai Windhövel) Vienna Ghost Hunters Daniel Ladnar, Lars Moritz, Esther Pilkington, Jörg Thums Architecture/set design Simon Oberhammer, Julia Stefanie Meyer Graphic design Christian Raab Production management ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro Production management Vienna Elisabeth Haid 

A co-production of and brut Wien in co-operation with Kunstverein EXTRA. With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs.

EXIT GHOST is funded by Fonds Doppelpass of Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Dates & Tickets

October 2019

Thu. 31.10.2019, 19:00
2-day pass 6 € / 4 € / 0 € Please register via ticket link.

Thu. 31.10.2019, 19:00
2-day pass: € 9/€ 6/€ 0

November 2019

Fri. 01.11.2019, 14:00
2-day pass 6 € / 4 € / 0 € Please register via ticket link.

brut im Kempelenpark
Gudrunstraße 11, 1100 Wien


2-day pass: € 9/€ 6/€ 0

Day pass: € 6/€ 4/€ 0

Please register via ticket link.


Map Kempelenpark (PDF)


Event recommendations

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