MEDIUM is a ghost performance in which Núria Guiu dances to the music of Stephen O'Malley/SUNN O))). The performance is about how the body is haunted by movements emerging from personal, cultural, and virtual archives. The ghost is partly a metaphor for movements from different times and dimensions that return and take up residence in our bodies, but it is also understood as the act of creating in itself, from the invisible realm to its physical manifestation in a performance.
In MEDIUM, Nuria Guiu dances to music by Stephen O'Malley/SUNN O))). The performance looks at how the body is haunted by ghosts of the past, present, and future. Here, the ghost is understood both as a metaphor for how different movement histories and physical memes are manifested in the body, but also concretely through dances that seek to channel actual ghosts or spirits. In Western Modernity, the conception of humanity has been based on a distinction between Man and nature, but also on a disenchantment of the world where ghosts and spirits no longer had a place. In recent years, the post-humanist turn has tried to re-include other-than-humans and re-entangle Man as someone who is always already in relation. However, this entanglement tends to favour the natural world and there is more reluctancy to consider the supernatural. MEDIUM aims to negotiate the universes of the visible and the invisible, of materiality and volatility, spirit and flesh in order to question this threefold of the body as both natural and cultural – as a channel for the supernatural.
The creations of Norwegian artist Ingri Fiksdal stand out by their aesthetic formality and the fusion of dance, sound, light, and costumes. Fiksdal aims to put her audiences into a different state of consciousness with her projects and to induce unexpected experiences. Her works tour the world. Most recently, Ingri Fiksdal featured in brut’s programme in 2019 with her site-specific performance Diorama.
Spanish dancer Núria Guiu studied classical dance, anthropology, and human evolution. She has worked with renowned artists and companies such as IT Dansa, Cullberg Ballet, Gisèle Vienne, Carte Blanche, Batsheva, and many more. Since 2012, Núria Guiu has been devising her own choreographed pieces in addition to working for Gisèle Vienne and Arco Renz as an artistic collaborator.
The show on 14 October will be followed by an artist talk.
Concept, channelling and performance Núria Guiu Concept and channelling Ingri Midgard Fiksdal Music pieces from the “Pyroclasts” album of SUNN O))) Spatialization Stephen O’Malley Costume and set design Ronak Moshtagi Light Phillip Isaksen Sound technician Ernst van der Loo Dramaturgy Guiu, Fiksdal, Isaksen, Moshtagi Costume and set design assistant Zoya Tahery Production and distribution Nicole Schuchardt and Ariadna Miquel Production and administration Eva Grainger and Ida Frømyr Borgen
Produced by Fiksdal Dans Stiftelse. Co-production Black Box theater Oslo and BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen.
Supported by Arts Council Norway
brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)
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Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)
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