Roland Rauschmeier with Alex Bailey

Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being

Performance world premiere in English
{death wish} {psychoanalysis} {the Rotenburg Cannibal}

Consumption As A Cause Af Coming Into Being is a psychoilogical study and a bleakly absurd performance experiment. Artists Roland Rauschmeier and Alex Bailey combine their thoughts on the Freudian death instinct, fear of castration and the subconscious with meditative omming sessions and the extreme story of the Rotenburg cannibal.

, © Zoe Opratko

Roland Rauschmeier with Alex Bailey - Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being

, © Zoe Opratko

Roland Rauschmeier with Alex Bailey - Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being

, © Zoe Opratko

Roland Rauschmeier with Alex Bailey - Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being

, © Roland Rauschmeier

Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being

The title Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being is a reference to an essay entitled Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being published in 1912 by Sabina Naftulowna Spielrein. In her essay, Spielrein, one of the first female psychoanalysts, describes the death wish as an integral part of the libido, while the libido, as she states, is a type of energy that subconsciously affects our every-day routines. In 2001, such routines were blasted by an act of cannibalism when in Rotenburg, Germany, the passions of two people resulted in irreversible consequences. The alluring promise to make sexual fantasies come true lead to an implosion of moral and ethical standards. Inspired by this borderline experience, Rauschmeier and Bailey search for an alternative, critical paradigm to re-direct the libidinous energy of this gruesome event into an artistic context with the aim to make a contribution to feminist discourse.

Roland Rauschmeier is a German conceptual artist living in Vienna who works at the interface between visual arts and performance. He studied philosophy, theatre, film and media studies and graduated at the Vienna Art Academy. He is one of the co-founders of the Wiener Tanz- and Kunstbewegung (Vienna Dance and Art Movement) and author of the book Culture de la Danse/Crise de la Forme.

British artist Alex Bailey lives in Vienna and has worked in the field of dance and performance since 2015. He has devised several performances together with Krõõt Juurak, including Performances for Pets to be enacted for cats and dogs and their owners. 

There will be an artist talk after the performance on April 6th.


Performance Alex Bailey, Roland Rauschmeier, Set and costume design, props Alex Bailey, Roland Rauschmeier, Sound Pasi Antero Mäkelä Dramaturgical consultation Camille Chanel, Richard John Jones Management Alexander Matthias Kosnopfl, Technicals Andreas Lendais

A co-production by Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung and brut Wien. With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs. Thanks to Elizabeth Ward, Krõõt Juurak, Anne Juren, Karin Seidel, Gerhard and Regina Schiefer, Phillip Schweiger, Christian Stoppacher, Lise Lendais, Susanne Bytyqi-Lawson, Dr Matthias Berkemeyer, Viktor Schlosser, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kalleinen-Kochta, Christoph Bruckner, Fouad Asfour, Manfred Unger.

Dates & Tickets

April 2017

Wed. 05.04.2017, 20:00
brut 16 € / 12 € / 8 €

Thu. 06.04.2017, 20:00
brut 16 € / 12 € / 8 €

Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien


There will be an artist talk after the performance on April 6th.

February 2025
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