
Huggy Bears Days

Huggy Bears Days

During the Huggy Bears Days, brut Wien in co-operation with WUK performing arts will show four performances created as part of the Huggy Bears Mentoring Programme.

Wiener Festwochen

Wiener Festwochen

The Wiener Festwochen and brut have been close cooperation partners for many years and the Festwochen are regular guests at the various brut venues and present part of their program here.

Wiener Festwochen



13.09.2023 - 23.09.2023


MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN are always looking for new connections between music, text, space, technology, artists.

The festival takes place annually in September and offers ambitious and forward-looking in-house, guest and co-productions. It uses the possibilities of contemporary music theatre to create an unconventional approach to relevant topics. As an international festival for new music theatre, it commissions and creates new projects and connects the national with the international scene.

In September 2023, MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN will present two productions at brut nordwest.

Literary think tank "Politics and Sentiment" as an online event

Lectures, performances and concerts featuring Kübra Gümüşay, Stefanie Sargnagel, Enis Maci, Andreas Peham, Pascal Richmann, Kathrin Röggla, et al.

23.04.2020 - 25.04.2020

Denkfabrik „Politik & Gefühl“

Burg Hülshoff's Center for Literature (CfL) literary think tank "Politics & Sentiment" will take place online from April 23rd to 25th this year. Together with brut, the CfL will investigate why feelings seem to increasingly determine politics again. – Exit Ghost II

07.04.2020 - 28.05.2020 – Exit Ghost II

“We need to fundamentally re-imagine the co-existence of humans and ghosts.”

 (Amelia, former ghost hunter, Hantological Congress, Vienna 2019)

Shooting for’s ghost show Exit Ghost continues picking up where the Hantological Congress that took place in October 2019 left off. To facilitate new encounters between humans and ghosts as part of the next season, will install new production offices in Vienna in April and May, since ghosts are about to take over the city. Workshops, excursions and other events will accompany the shoots for season two. As usual with, anybody who is interested is invited to participate. It’s not a script that determines how the story of the ghost continues, but the desires and ideas of those involved.

Open Call: In the Field

A festival excursion with brut Wien and the Wiener Festwochen

22.02.2019 - 31.03.2019

Wiener Festwochen

In the Field is a format that is directed primarily at students and artists starting out in their profession and invites them to experience a theatre festival at first hand.

Kooperation Kunsthalle Wien

The Promise of Total Automation

11.03.2016 - 29.05.2016

Kooperation Kunsthalle Wien

brut und Kunsthalle Wien kooperieren inhaltlich im Rahmen der Ausstellung The Promise of Total Automation, die vom 11. März bis 29. Mai zu sehen ist. Im Rahmen der Kooperation zeigt brut eine Performance des französischen Künstlers Philippe Decrauzat mit dem New Yorker Musiker Alan Licht sowie eine Arbeit der koreanischen Performancekünstlerin Geumhyung Jeong. Neben den beiden Performances gibt es ein Gespräch mit Philippe Decrauzat in der Kunsthalle Wien, eine Kuratorenführung durch die Ausstellung The Promise of Total Automation für brut-Publikum sowie gegenseitige Ermäßigungen.

The Inheritance

Re-enacted works from the imagetanz archive 1989–2017

The Inheritance

The imagetanz festival has existed in Vienna for more than 25 years now. It represented an important first step for many artists who are well-known in the Austrian dance scene today – it was here that some performers presented their very first pieces to the public. With The Inheritance, the upcoming imagetanz festival takes a look back at more than 25 years of dance history, creating a link to today’s young generation of artists.

Doris Uhlich: All Machines Welcome!

A co-operation between brut and WUK performing arts

12.10.2016 - 24.10.2016

All Machines Welcome!

All Machines Welcome! presents new works by Doris Uhlich and takes place at both WUK and brut. Part of the co-operation are the premiere of Ravemachine at brut as well as the workshop Every Body Electric and the performance Ravemachine all over + Every Body Electric + Rave at WUK. 


The Capitalism Tribunal

Is Capitalism a crime?

01.05.2016 - 12.05.2016


The Capitalism Tribunal is about the alleged crimes of European capitalism. From 1 to 12 May 2016, brut Wien will be transformed into a court of law, where charges will be presented on European capitalism - about its impact on people, society and the planet.

The Ineffable Me

Concert series featuring Bianca Casady & the C.i.A., Gazelle Twin and Mirel Wagner

19.11.2015 - 21.11.2015

Ineffable Me

„Can’t catch me, I’m syntax free, I’m preconceived, preternaturally […]“ Sonic Youth – The Ineffable Me

Three utterly different musicians visit brut for the concert series The Ineffable Me: Bianca Casady, one half of the artsy folk music duo CocoRosie, includes video art and choreography in her new solo project; electropop musician Gazelle Twin confronts the terrors of puberty in a hoodie; and Finnish artist Mirel Wagner plays gloomy blues music with a sub-pop touch. All three of them refuse to submit to the still male-dominated dictate of the pop industry, like to play with attributed identities and amaze by their ineffable, intractable musical creations.

19 November: Bianca Casady and the C.i.A.

20 November: Gazelle Twin

21 November: Mirel Wagner

Szene Bunte Wähne 2017

International Dance Festival for young audience

Szene Bunte Wähne 2017

Ziel von SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE ist es auch in diesem Jahr, einem jungen Publikum die Vielfalt verschiedenster Theaterformen näher zu bringen. Das Festival wurde gegründet, um ein anspruchsvolles und abwechslungsreiches Programmangebot im Bereich Kunst und Kultur für Kinder und Jugendliche zu entwickeln. Seither hat sich das Theaterfestival zu einem der bedeutendsten jährlichen Treffpunkte für Theatermacher aus der ganzen Welt entwickelt.

Szene Bunte Wähne 2016

International Dance Festival for young audience

Szene Bunte Wähne

Ziel von SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE ist es, einem jungen Publikum die Vielfalt verschiedenster Theaterformen näher zu bringen. Das Festival wurde gegründet, um ein anspruchsvolles und abwechslungsreiches Programmangebot im Bereich Kunst und Kultur für Kinder und Jugendliche zu entwickeln. Seither hat sich das Theaterfestival zu einem der bedeutendsten jährlichen Treffpunkte für Theatermacher aus der ganzen Welt entwickelt.

February 2025
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brut all over Vienna

brut nordwest


Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)

February 2025
Doris Uhlich
Come Back Again
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Dramaturgy Blind Inclusive
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open workshop
February 2025
Fia Neises & Liv Schellander
Open rehearsal
March 2025
Henrike Iglesias & Miss Theatre

studio brut

not accessible

Zieglergasse 25, 1070 Wien
Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)

brut at Exhibit Eschenbachgasse


Eschenbachgasse 11 / Ecke Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
U-Bahn: U4, U1 (Karlsplatz), Tram: 1, 2, D, 71 (Burgring), Bus: 57A (Getreidemarkt)

February 2025
Invisible Collection
February 2025
Authorship and Gender: Panel discussion with Denise Palmieri and Raffaela Bielesch
February 2025
I thought I had an original idea