kulturen in bewegung

kulturen in bewegung

kulturen in bewegung, the art and cultural institution at the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), aims to integrate artistic and cultural productions and initiatives by artists and cultural workers from diaspora communities in Vienna as well as artists from the global South more strongly into the Austrian cultural, artistic and educational scene.

© kulturen in bewegung

Through innovative projects, artistic exchange and intercultural mediation, kulturen in bewegung wants to contribute to building a just and solidary global society.
The offers of kulturen in bewegung create places of encounter and enrich the social and cultural dialogue and on a local, national and international level. In this way, we want to promote a diverse understanding of culture in Austria as well as differentiated perspectives on developmental and global contexts.

kulturen in bewegung is significantly supported by the Austrian Development Agency.

In the context of kulturen in bewegung, brut is part of the Academy of Unlearning mentoring programme. The programme offers practice-oriented training in tandem by and for women in cultural mediation. It is directed at women from diaspora communities who would like to get to know this field better. In individual meetings with a mentor, mentees are given an overview of the activities and structures of a cultural organisation. In addition, current issues in cultural mediation are discussed in workshops. Mentors and mentees exchange experiences, observations and knowledge. 


Events in the brut programme 

As part of the mentoring programme, the workshop QUIET EMOTIONS? FREE YOUR MENTAL LOAD. Panel talk and Workshop on mental load, by FLINTA* for FLINTA* and BiPOC by Cleidy Acevedo will take place in October 2024.

February 2025
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brut all over Vienna

brut nordwest


Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
Subway: U1, U2 (Praterstern), U4 (Friedensbrücke), U6 (Dresdnerstraße) Tram: 5 (Nordwestbahnstraße) Bus: 5A (Wasnergasse)

March 2025
Henrike Iglesias & Miss Theatre

studio brut

not accessible

Zieglergasse 25, 1070 Wien
Subway: U3 (Zieglergasse), Tram: 49 (Westbahnstraße / Zieglergasse)
not accessible

brut at Exhibit Eschenbachgasse


Eschenbachgasse 11 / Ecke Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
U-Bahn: U4, U1 (Karlsplatz), Tram: 1, 2, D, 71 (Burgring), Bus: 57A (Getreidemarkt)

February 2025
Invisible Collection



Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien
U-Bahn: U1, U2 (Praterstern) Tram: O, 5 (Praterstern) Bus: 5B, 80A, 82A (Praterstern) S-Bahn: S2, S3, S4, S7 (Praterstern)

Palais Rössl

not accessible

Rienößlgasse 12 / 21, 1040 Vienna
Tram: 1, 62, Badner Bahn (Mayerhofgasse)
not accessible