Gin Müller

brut, Gin Müller
, © Rania Moslam

Gin Müller in Orlanding the Dominant

Gin Müller is a dramaturge, theatre scholar, performer and queer theorist. Gin Müller is a lecturer at the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna, was part of the queer performance band SV Damenkraft (together with Sabine Marte, Christina Nemec and Katrina Daschner) and is co-founder of the VolxtheaterKarawane, with which Gin Müller conceived theatre as an intervention in public space. Gin Müller’s works search for the connection between melodrama, telenovela and rebellion in the context of a staged global media world (Melodrom: Melodrama, Telenovela, Rebellion) and for a progressive form of the television novel (Who shot the Princess? Boxtrop Telenovelas after Elfriede Jelinek’s Princess Dramas). They are great ideological drafts and small rebellions against the control society (Transcatholic Birds) or free adaption and confrontation with queer texts, motifs, persons and different gender-subversice embodiments (Orlanding the dominant, a queer burlesque after Virginia Woolf’s Orlando).


Works at brut

2007 bis 2015

  • Dr. Kawis Erforschung des Einstellungsinventars der Liebesstile (2015)
  • Aktionslabor für politische Interventionen (2013)
  • Melodrom/The Making of a Rebellious Telenovela (2012)
  • Melodrom: Melodrama, Telenovela, Rebellion (2012)
  • Who shot the Princess? Boxstop Telenovelas  (2011)
  • DAS BIEST (2009)
  • Transkatholische Vögel (2009)
  • Mosh Mosh - DIE DAMENHAFTIGKEIT (2009)
  • Salon fauxpas brutal - DIE PRINZESSIN (2009)
  • Rausch (2008)
  • Salon fauxpas brutal (2008)
  • DIE PROTHESE (2008)
  • Ein Gespenst (2008)
  • Orlanding the Dominant (2008)
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