Malika Fankha

A surreally lit scene featuring a person lying upside down while hands and shoes appear in red and violet light reflections. The reflections and colors create a dreamlike atmosphere.
, © David Payr

Malika Fankha (MALENCIAGA)

Malika Fankha (MALENCIAGA) works internationally as a dancer, sound poet, DJ and host. Their genre-bending work unfolds structures and politics of (queer) desire by looking for softer weavings between sensation and sociality with the aim to build an obstinate yet malleable matrix of connections. MALENCIAGA’s DJ sets are a sensuous journey full of textures, breezes and shivers, ranging from mouthwatering amuse-gueules to tearjerking hymns, from rapturous beats to percussive techno, understanding each frequency as a practice of sonic activism and collective empowerment.

Works at brut

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