How does commemoration work today? How can we counter imminent danger? The Pink Triangle (Der Rosa Winkel) is based on Nesterval’s acclaimed show The Nameless (Die Namenlosen) that ran for weeks in the brut programme this past season before becoming the Kampnagel International Summer Festival’s ‘hit at the Hamburg Harbour’ and touched visitors’ hearts both here and there. The Vienna production was nominated for the Nestroy theatre prize, its Hamburg version for the nachtkritik-Theatertreffen. Nesterval’s revised version is again designed as an immersive event. Sure to crawl under your skin, The Pink Triangle – A History of the Nameless is another evening that deals with the systematic persecution and murder of homosexual and trans people in Vienna during the National Socialist terror. Turning the audience into the protagonists’ thoughts, this piece of commemorative culture keeps ‘Never Forget’ alive.
The area of Vienna’s railway station Nordwestbahnhof, August 2nd, 1938. ‘Der ewige Jude’ (the eternal Jew), an antisemitic exhibition full of hatred and denunciation, is being opened in the main hall of the station. Many lives are subject to forced labour, deportation, and looting by the Nazis. Victims of the National Socialists include many homosexuals and trans people, who are persecuted and arrested; in the camps, they are forced to wear the ‘Pink Triangle’, putting them at the bottom of the inmates’ hierarchy. In one of the halls on the vast Nordwestbahnhof grounds, lies the warehouse of the Nesterval china factory with the attached canteen where family members, workers and residents meet. Martha Nesterval, outwardly a staunch National Socialist, is here for the company. She and her husband, a doctor also loyal to the regime, are supposed to take their nephew under their wing to heal him of his ‘dreamy manners.’ But instead, the environment to which the aunt introduces her nephew presents yet another new world to him: At night, they say, the company canteen turns into an unofficial, secret refuge for the self-appointed Nameless, whose life is so often determined by fear, danger, and self-denial during the day. But this exciting parallel universe is about to be destroyed ‘piece by piece and person by person’. The activities around the canteen and the nightly goings-on have stirred the curiosity of the police, who now begin to investigate in the group’s milieu, asking around for evidence of lewd behaviour and criminal energies.
In The Pink Triangle – A History of the Nameless, the audience follows the characters through elaborately designed rooms, discovers storylines that are based on real biographies and ingeniously interwoven. Thereby, the audience will get closer than ever before to the characters in this new Nesterval production, because it will embody their thoughts – the thoughts that are with them at all times as they move through the story.
Established in 2011, the immersive acting group Nesterval identifies as a queer popular theatre that translates historic classics of literature and drama into the present day by exaggerating and deconstructing them. To quote from the jury’s statement for their 2023 Nestroy prize nomination, ‘Nesterval are the pop stars of Vienna’s independent scene.’ Each production revolves around the pleasure of playing, the creation of a theatrical space for adventure, and the involvement of the audience in the performance. Interactive agency is enabled by empathy, surprising casting, and the conversations between spectators and actors that are actively pursued during, but also after the show. Nesterval works with a queer technique of empowerment in which the playful level always includes a political dimension as societally relevant questions are posed and negotiated. All productions – more than 25 so far have been shown in Austria and abroad – are based on epochal events of the (fictional) Nesterval family dynasty. They are all site-specific and make reference to the cultural, societal, and historical background of each venue, thus fostering the decentralisation of the arts and culture industry. The cast is composed of about 20 performers, drag artists, and actors, who, in different constellations, tell the story of the legendary Nesterval family. Nesterval has been nominated for three Nestroy theatre prizes, most recently for The Nameless in 2023. They won the prize for their 2020 production The Kreisky Test.
PRESALEAll dates for Der Rosa Winkel – Die Geschichte der Namenlosen are sold out. Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur A certain number of Kulturpass tickets are available for each performance. The dates for the reservation deadlines are 13 May for the dates in May and 29 May for the dates in June. Please send an email with your preferred date and a photo of your valid Kulturpass to – we will then make a reservation depending on availability!
ACCESSIBILITYThe loctaion is accessible. If you need tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying people, please send an email with your preferred date to – we will be happy to make a reservation! There will be ÖGS (Austrian Sign Language) translation at the showings on 21 / 24 May & 10 / 13 / 14 June. All 5 events will be interpreted by Pam Eden, the artistic development for the ÖGS interpretation was created in close co-operation with Pam Eden.
The performance on 30 May will be accompanied with whispered translation in English. The performance on 10 June will be accompanied with whispered translation in English or Spanish. The performances are accompanied by Cuqui Espinoza. |
Headed and directed by Martin Finnland Text Teresa Löfberg Co-writers Martin Finnland, Gisa Fellerer, Lorenz Tröbinger Set design Andrea Konrad Costume design Dritan Kosovrasti Choreography Marcelo Doño Composition Julian Muldoon Song lyrics Sarah Muldoon Dramaturgy Tove Grün Co-conception, applications & archive Martin Walkner Co-director & technical dramaturge Lorenz Tröbinger Assistant director Laura Athanasiadis Production Emilie Kleinszig Technical director Lukas ‘Lupo’ Saller Set construction Andreas Holzmann (Vienna Decoration Company), Walter Winkelmüller Sound design Lorenz Tröbinger Music curation Alkis Vlassakakis Added research Andreas Brunner, Jürgen Pettinger Magic consulting Raphael Macho Graphic design Rita Brandneulinger Communication Christopher Wurmdobler Website Gisa Fellerer Photography Alexandra Thompson Trailer Sabine Anders (director), Lukas Grubba (cinematography), Sabrina Winkler (editing and grading) Co-operations Lukas Kirisits Accounting & office Doris Panzer Tech Plan B, Till Gatermann Stage management tbd
Featuring Christopher Wurmdobler, Martin Finnland, Gisa Fellerer, Chiara Seide, Stefan Pauser, Mio Riedl, Romy Hrubeš, Willy Mutzenpachner, Rita Brandneulinger, Johannes Scheutz, Hisham Morscher, Gellert Gerson Butter, Martin Walkner, Laura Hermann, Aston Matters, Lorenz Tröbinger, Peter Kraus, Julia Fuchs, Alkis Vlassakakis, Géraldine Schabraque, Norbert Fiedler, Lukas ‘Lupo’ Saller
Interpreting performer Pam Eden
Special thanks to Peter Hörmanseder (audio recordings), Peter Holub, Johannes Felber and the friends of Nesterval (in paricular Andrea & Valerie Lenk, Andreas Kauba, Clemens and Katharina Pallitsch, Edmund Weninger, Kaya Alina Knapp, Maria Sibilia, Markus Kellner, Martin Hinterndorfer, Michael Brandtner and Michael Marker) as well as Nikolaus Vogler (PKHV Rechtsanwälte), René Lipkovich (SLT Siart Lipkovich & team) and Helmut Patterer (PRBS Patterer e.U.)
A co-production with brut Wien.
With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, the National Fund of the Republic of Austria, the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, Vienna Decoration Company, Magenta, Zantho Wein, Peda Cola, Obertrumer, Vöslauer, and Föhr.
All dates for Der Rosa Winkel – Die Geschichte der Namenlosen are sold out.
Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur A certain number of Kulturpass tickets are available for each performance. The dates for the reservation deadlines are 13 May for the dates in May and 29 May for the dates in June. Please send an email with your preferred date and a photo of your valid Kulturpass to – we will then make a reservation depending on availability!
The loctaion is accessible. If you need tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying people, please send an email with your preferred date to – we will be happy to make a reservation!
There will be ÖGS (Austrian Sign Language) translation at the showings on 21 / 24 May & 10 / 13 / 14 June. All 5 events will be interpreted by Pam Eden, the artistic development for the ÖGS interpretation was created in close co-operation with Pam Eden.
The performance on 30 May will be accompanied with whispered translation in English. The performance on 10 June will be accompanied with whispered translation in English or Spanish. The performances are accompanied by Cuqui Espinoza.
Please write an email with the keyword whispered translation in English / whispered translation in Spanish, your preferred date and your preferred price (€25/€35/€45) to – we will then send you a payment link.
Please read the following information before you buy your tickets, and pass this information on to your companions if necessary!
Location brut nordwest, Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1020 Wien
On Thu, 16 / Fri, 17 / Fri, 24 / Thu, 30 / Fri, 31 May & Sat, 01 / Mon, 10 / Thu, 13 / Fri, 14 June check-in is possible from 7:00 pm. After dropping off your wardrobe you can get a drink at the bar. Check-in is possible until 7:45 pm. The play starts on time at 8:00 pm. Attention: A late entry after 7:45 pm is not possible. In case of late arrival the tickets cannot be refunded. The show lasts around 3 hours and is expected to end at around 11:00 pm. The bar is open afterwards until at least 11:30 pm.
On Tue, 21 / Wed, 22 / Thu, 23 / Mon, 27 / Tue, 28 May & Tue, 04 / Wed, 05 / Thu, 06 / Tue, 11 / Mon, 17 / Tue, 18 June check-in is possible from 5:30 pm. After dropping off your wardrobe you can get a drink at the bar. Check-in is possible until 6:15 pm. The play starts on time at 6:30 pm. Attention: A late entry after 6:15 pm is not possible. In case of late arrival the tickets cannot be refunded. The show lasts around 3 hours and is expected to end at around 9:30 pm. The bar is open afterwards until at least 10:00 pm.
The minimum age for this performance is 18 years. Persons under the age of 18 may attend if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
We ask that you do not bring large bags if possible. Coats and bags must be left at the wardrobe.
Photography or filming is not permitted at any time. Your cell phones will be kept in a sealed bag to carry with you during the play.
Please note that this is a 3-hour performance with no fixed seating, so we recommend comfortable footwear (no heels or open-toed shoes). There is no dress code! We ask that you leave free seating in the rooms to guests for whom prolonged standing may be difficult.
During the performance there is a possibility to consume drinks in the bar. Currently, only cash payment is possible here. Drinks may not be taken into the performance area under any circumstances. During the performance you may be offered drinks by characters: these are alcoholic!
Immersive theatre is a personal journey, which means you may be separated from your group.
Nesterval and brut Wien reserve the right to deny access to spectators for inappropriate behavior or to expel them from the venue at any time without refunding the ticket price.
Content note the play addresses and negotiates Antisemitism, discrimination, Nazism and war, among other issues. There will be dark rooms, sounds of war / sirens, nudity and depictions of violence. You can and should leave the rooms / scenes at any time if you feel unwell and go back to the cafeteria (Safe Space). If you have any concerns about the content, please email us at and we will get back to you.
During the play, you will have the unique opportunity to move around in the minds of the characters present as figments of their imaginations and fantasies. You don't have to do anything for this, except follow the characters. But beware: as it is with thoughts, you can interact, but not intervene in reality.
We recommend – especially in the beginning – to follow a character as long as possible. This way a confused thought can become a clear one. You can only change rooms if you follow a character!
After the play, Nesterval invites you to an unofficial audience discussion in the canteen. Here you will have the opportunity to talk with the performers as well as with other guests about the experience. The artists are looking forward to talk to you!
brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna