Alex Franz Zehetbauer

hearing the wild heart

brut nordwest
Performance / Concert World Premiere in English
{Messy order of nature} {Experimental instruments} {Clumsy symphony}

In the sound performance hearing the wild heart, Alex Franz Zehetbauer joins forces with the performer Gergő D. Farkas and the musician and sound artist Christian Schröder. Together they navigate an eco-system of experimental instruments and create a sonic universe that dissolves dualistic notions like “natural or unnatural”, “alive or not alive”, “human or not human”. This work is guided by the concept of ‘worlding’.

‘Consider this image: you are in the garden, your knees covered in mud, hands deep in the earth for an early spring planting. Instead of seeing the earth as a quality apart from the knee attached to a pre-existing human form, see the knee-hand-earth as a worlding, a force of form, an operative ecology.’ — Erin Manning

, © Christine Miess

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Christine Miess

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Christine Miess

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Christine Miess

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Christine Miess

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Franzi Kreis

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Franzi Kreis

Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

, © Franzi Kreis

 Alex Franz Zehetbauer hearing the wild heart

INFO: The show on May 6th will be followed by an artist talk.
hearing the wild heart is a sounding ecology. A playfully repurposed wasteland. A sonic world in a constant state of becoming, unfinished and always on the move. A place with the messy order of nature. A wetland, a swamp, or just a pile of trash. A place to see connections. An unpredictable mixture of joyous brutality and gentle chaos. An attempt to make music. We hear many living things co-existing, thunder and lighting, the screaming of an elk, melodic song, the splashing of water. 

Alex Franz Zehetbauer (born 1990 in Brooklyn) is a sonic choreographer, performance artist, and singer based in Vienna. He studied vocal performance, dance, acting and composition at the Experimental Theater Wing at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and the International Theatre Workshop in Amsterdam. Alex has been awarded the BKA Startstipendium für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (2018), the TURBO Residency – ImPulsTanz (2018), the TQW Training Scholarship (2019), and the danceWEB Scholarship (2019). His works wet dreaming at 52Hz (2019) and AyH (2021) were co-produced by brut Wien.


Concept, sonic choreography, Performance Alex Franz Zehetbauer Choreographic cooperation, Performance Gergő D. Farkas, Alex Franz Zehetbauer Musician, Sonic Engineering Christian Schröder Costume Ju Aichinger, Alex Franz Zehetbauer Outside eyes & ears Alix Eynaudi, Samuel Schaab Light design Sveta Schwin Production management mollusca productions

A co-production of Verein Wilhelmina & brut Wien

With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs, nadalokal, and Huggy Bears Art Space.

Dates & Tickets

The show on May 6th will be followed by an artist talk.

Please read our Covid-19 regulations here

May 2022

Thu. 05.05.2022, 20:00
18 € / 14 € / 9 €

Fri. 06.05.2022, 20:00
18 € / 14 € / 9 € *followed by an artist talk

Sat. 07.05.2022, 20:00
18 € / 14 € / 9 €

Sun. 08.05.2022, 20:00
18 € / 14 € / 9 €

brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna


Evening Programme hearing the wild heart (PDF)


Event recommendations

07.05.2022, 21:00

Stina Fors

Stina Force

Live Drum Concert / Outdoor

08.05.2022 - 22.05.2022

Claudia Bosse


Performance / Outdoor
World Premiere
Audio via earphones in either German or English

New Art on ... line

Alex Franz Zehetbauer – AyH

NEW ART ON...LINE ALL SUMMER LONG: Beginning with an interest in spirals, AyH is a sonic experiment guided by the work and methods of the painter and mystic Hilma af Klint. It is a concert of acoustic paintings composed by several non-human musicians in collaboration with Alex Franz Zehetbauer and Christian Schröder. (VIDEO)
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