Sodom Vienna


brut nordwest
in German

The so called Volxtoolschule, taking place as part of the Sodom Vienna project, features debate sessions, guided by experts, on the themes of the show, each followed by a performance of SODOM VIENNA REVUE. Participants include Andreas Brunner, Birgit Peter, Georg Vogt, Gabu Heindl, and Drehli Robnik.

, © Sodom Vienna

Sodom Vienna – Volxtoolschule

, © Sodom Vienna

Gin Müller & Denice Bourbon – Sodom Vienna

mit Veza Fernández, Hyo Lee, Denise Palmieri, Stefanie Sourial, Alex Franz Zehetbauer u.a.

, © Sarah Hauber

Gin Müller und Denice Bourbon – Sodom Vienna 

from left to right: Alex Franz Zehetbauer, Hyo Lee, Denise Palmieri, Veza Fernández, Gin Müller, background in the middle: Denice Bourbon, background above: Stefanie Sourial 


Friday, November 5th at 5:30 pm
From red revue to camp, the queer 20s then and now
discussion with: Birgit Peter, Veza Fernández, Georg Vogt, Denice Bourbon, Denise Palmieri, Gin Müller

Saturday, November 6th at 5:30 pm
Sodom and Gomorrha in red Vienna & a city in turmoil
discussion with: Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik, Andreas Brunner,  Denice Bourbon, Gin Müller

Dates & Tickets

November 2021

Fri. 05.11.2021, 17:30 - 19:00
Pay as you wish. Please register via the ticket link.

Sat. 06.11.2021, 17:30 - 19:00
Pay as you wish. Please register via the ticket link.

brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna

Event recommendations

03.11.2021 - 06.11.2021

Denice Bourbon and Gin Müller present


featuring Veza Fernández, Hyo Lee, Denise Palmieri, Stefanie Sourial, Alex Franz Zehetbauer, Elise Mory

Performance / Revue
World premiere
in english

16.10.2021, 15:00

Sodom Vienna

Out and about featuring Sodom Vienna

On the trail of Sodom & Gomorrha (1921/22)

field trip
in German

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