burt night

War and Terror / MONSTERFRAU DJ for Superamas

burt, die Bar
{aren't we all a little burt?} {Saturday Night Life} {always new}

The bar at brut now answers to the melodious name burt. This means that a new burt is part of  the illustrious circle of well known Burts such as Burt Reynolds and Burt Lancaster: burt, the bar. Theatre audiences and nighthawks are invited to party, dance and make out at the burt nights on the weekend. Varying line-ups of DJs, musicians and brut artists will provide entertainment and sometimes wonderful surprises. Aren’t we all a little burt?

Relaxation. Open your mind and feel how you re totally yourself. Allow your spirit to accept everything he perceives. Allow all your thoughts and perceptions to come and go, like clouds in the summers sky. Become an observer and enjoy your relief.

#GeneralDavidPetreus #ISISsfarther #CIAssecretarmy #ISinvulnerablesupermen #cuisinedemensonge #Merkel #Obama #humanrights #SamanthaPower #humanitarianbombers #wheaponizationofhumanrights #SunniagainstShiite #counterinsurgencystrategy #JohnAllen #ISISssaviour #phoneywar #shambattles #Erdogan #ISISscaliph #supplyline #Heckler&Koch #germanexports #europeanyoungsters #fanatics




Dates & Tickets

April 2016

Fri. 29.04.2016, 23:00
burt, the bar Admission free!

burt, die Bar
Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien


after the performance of "WHY?" 100 Jahre Krieg – April ... 1914

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