Bring your own booze with notfoundyet

The monthly regulars’ table at brut

{regulars' table} {chatting} {mondays}
© brut Wien

This monthly open roundtable at the brut kitchen creates a platform for conversations and encounters. Everybody is invited, from artists and colleagues to the audience, brut newbies or neighbouring institutions from Karlsplatz and from the city. Alternating chefs from inside brut keep guests busy with joint cooking, providing a lot of time to get to know each other and exchange views about anything from recipes to dentist recommendations or ideas for the next performance. Oh, and yes, please bring your own favourite beverage!

The brut Extras series including regular roundtables, Q&As, walks and talks provides various opportunities for dialogues and encounters. Audiences, colleagues, artists and neighbours get together to have conversations, give feedback and exchange views. It’s processes, not results that count for the Extras!

Dates & Tickets

April 2016

Mon. 11.04.2016, 18:00
brut Admission free!

Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien


Please register in advance at

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