featuring venerasinn and Willy Landl & Benny Omerzell

burt, die Bar
{locals} {discover new music} {experimental}

Of course, the March programme must see yet another instalment of BRUTTO, this time as part of the annual imagetanz festival. The concert night in March is all about the play with words and sounds.

Musician-writer Verena Dürr aka venerasinn opens the show with vibrant electronic soundscapes and hypnotic sprechgesang. Dürr, who is Viennese, adds sound to her own poetry, constructing machine sounds in puristic lo-fi arrangements ranging from restrained to audacious as she demands “more patina for the world!”

Co-host of part two – in league with Benny Omerzell – is jazz singer-composer Willi Landl. As he juggles with words, his singing leaves the audience both goose-bumped and slightly disturbed. He sings of every-day life with poignant irony and wit, balancing on the thin red line between jazz and sophisticated pop music. In BRUTTO’s March edition, he is joined by Benny Omerzell, part of the brilliantly quirky foursome Kompost3: a combination sure to bring quite a few surprises and new musical insights.


venerasinn and Willy Landl & Benny Omerzell

Dates & Tickets

March 2016

Wed. 09.03.2016, 22:00
burt, the bar 6 €

burt, die Bar
Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien



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