burt night

featuring imagetanz Allstars

burt, die Bar
{aren't we all a little burt?} {Saturday Night Life} {always new}

The bar at brut now answers to the melodious name burt. This means that a new burt is part of  the illustrious circle of well known Burts such as Burt Reynolds and Burt Lancaster: burt, the bar. Theatre audiences and nighthawks are invited to party, dance and make out at the burt nights on the weekend. Varying line-ups of DJs, musicians and brut artists will provide entertainment and sometimes wonderful surprises. Aren’t we all a little burt?

At half time of imagetanz, the burt night will be hostet by imagetanz contributors to gurantee a night full of festival-party-glamour. With Desperate Underground, Kiraki and DJ Prohaska.

Dates & Tickets

March 2016

Sat. 12.03.2016, 23:00
burt, die Bar Eintritt frei!

burt, die Bar
Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien

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