Who doesn’t know it? Endless to-do lists, an overabundance of leisure activities at the weekend and a flood of negative news about world political events. This workshop with Cleidy Acevedo and Helena Araújo is dedicated to mental load, the everyday (multiple) overload that often remains invisible. It is an attempt to create an environment where there is space to unfold and share hidden strengths, desires and weaknesses.
The second edition of Quiet emotions? Free your mental loadwill be organized by Cleidy Acevedo and performer and choreographer Helena Araújo. The workshop begins with an exchange that offers the opportunity to find words about own emotions and reflect them. Then, using various tools from improvisation and performance art, participants of all levels of experience and professional contexts are invited to trust their creative abilities and explore different ways of looking at space, voice and movement. The focus is on the relationship to oneself as well as the relationship to other people in the room.
With Quiet emotions? Free your mental load, a safer space is created for FLINTA* and BIPOCs in which it is possible to formulate what moves us deeply.
Cleidy Acevedo was born in the Dominican Republic and grew up in Vorarlberg. After attending the HLMW9 Michelbeuern fashion school in Vienna, she created several low-budget films and got in touch with the theatre world in productions at Volkstheater, Theater in der Josefstadt and Neue Oper Wien. Early successes as an assistant director include the shows Tod-Krank.Doc, Dänisches Sushi and PEACES (Fragments of Love). Outside the theatre, Cleidy Acevedo enjoys writing prose.
Helena Araújo is an enthusiastic femme maker and performer, lover of twists and clown full of kitsch and bad jokes. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, she currently lives in Vienna. Her work has been presented at various places, including Radiant Nights Festival (BE), Venuše ve Švehlovce Theatre (CZ), Moving Futures Festival (NL), FDS Festival (CH), De Nieuwe Vorst (NL), Pinkbus Platform (CZ), Paradise Cabaret (IE) and House of Circus Cabaret Night (NL). As a performer, she has worked with the following artists: TRASH Performance Group (NL), Ivo Dimchev (BG), Renan Martins (DE/BR), Martin Talaga (CZ/SK) and Petra Tejnorová (CZ/SK).
The workshop will take place in a room that is not wheelchair accessible.
If you have any questions, please contact Katrin Brehm (brehm@brut-wien.at and +43 676 587 8723).
brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna
We ask all participants to wear comfortable clothes.