DJ Ipek (female:pressure// Gayhane), zey, Seba Kayan, MALENCIAGA

Unbox the Equinox

imagetanz 2025
{Celebration} {Change of season} {Brave rave}

Unbox The Equinox kicks off the spring season in a celebration of effervescent encounters, deep reflection and visceral sonic catharsis The hosts Seba Kayan & Malika Fankha, together with their guests zey and DJ Ipek, will transform the dancefloor into a place that is at times euphoric, rebellious, hedonistic and phantasmic, encouraging everyone to co-create alternative corporealities, temporalities and frolic multilogues.

, © Rani Fankha / Maureen Kaegi

DJ Ipek (female:pressure// Gayhane), zey, Seba Kayan, MALENCIAGA – Unbox The Equinox

, © David Payr


, © Melis Christin

DJ Ipek (female:pressure// Gayhane)

, © Diva Shu

Seba Kayan

, © Rokhaya Gu


Malika Fankha (MALENCIAGA) works internationally as a dancer, sound poet, DJ and host. Their genre-bending work unfolds structures and politics of (queer) desire by looking for softer weavings between sensation and sociality with the aim to build an obstinate yet malleable matrix of connections. MALENCIAGA’s DJ sets are a sensuous journey full of textures, breezes and shivers, ranging from mouthwatering amuse-gueules to tearjerking hymns, from rapturous beats to percussive techno, understanding each frequency as a practice of sonic activism and collective empowerment.

Seba Kayan is a visionary Viennese DJ, artist, music producer and curator transforming the music landscape with an unparalleled fusion of sound and culture. Growing up between two worlds and musical influences, Seba Kayan decided to combine both her European and Kurdish roots in her unique sound. Her signature blend includes Oriental futuristic electro, techno, and Acid, expertly weaving the unmistakable sound of the so called ‘Oriental’ Music into ironclad techno frameworks.

DJ Ipek aka Ipek Ipekçioğlu (female:pressure// Gayhane) Based between Berlin and Istanbul, queer-living DJ, producer and curator, İpek Ipekçioğlu has an established reputation across nightlife scenes worldwide. She/they has performed at the Glastonburry, Fusion, Sziget, At.tension, Berlin Festival and many more international electronic and world music festivals. Ipek has been creating a buzz amongst international crowds from New York City to the desert Sahara of Mali, developing an exclusive brand name with her/their unique & hybrid soundmix and is regarded one of the most popular DJs of the Berlin club scene and internationally known as Queen of Eklektik BerlinIstan.

zey is a Vienna-based DJ and event organiser, originally from Prague. Their creativity is a tool of liberation – their own and of others. In relation to their own Black*queer lived experience, they are primarily sharing the sonic emancipatory potentials of queer creatives of the African Diaspora. Genre is not as important to them as exploring and mapping links between spaces and creating a platform for electronic music from Africa, Euro-American landscapes and Black Latin America.

Rani Fankha is a Swiss/Sri Lankan artist whose practice is concerned with identity, emotion and the complexities of cultural and personal connections. Rani Fankha’s practice interweaves black-and-white illustrations and expressionist, colourful painting, creating a fluid interplay between figurative and abstract elements. Her illustrations focus on human characters and their emotional landscapes, evoking melancholia, isolation and a constant crave for connection.

Maureen Kaegi studied at the University of Applied Art Vienna and the Zurich University of the Arts. Her work ranges from painting and drawing to video installation and performance, and a conceptual approach to space. She explores themes such as acceleration cultures and their constraints, visual myopia in society, optical and physical processes of perception as well as the reciprocal shaping of bodies and material.


Hosts Malika Fankha&Seba Kayan Line-up DJIpek (female:pressure// Gayhane), zey, Seba Kayan, MALENCIAGA Graphic design Rani Fankha, Maureen Kaegi

This event does not receive public funding. All revenue will be distributed among the participating artists.

Dates & Tickets

March 2025

Fri. 21.03.2025, 22:30
Pay as you can on site. This event does not receive public funding. All revenue will be distributed among the participating artists.

Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien


Content Notes
At the party, strobe lighting and loud music are used.

Event recommendations

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