Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Sabina Holzer & Florian Reiners


Heart Chambers of Thought

Rote Bar at Volkstheater
Lecture performance in German and English
{Philosophy} {Heart & Mind} {Discourse}

Why did philosophers like Plato, Nietzsche, Aurobindo, Ronell, Cixous, and many others start philosophising with artistic means and developing performance-based styles of thought? Why did they become hybrids between philosopher and artist: artist-philosophers?

, © PEEK (FWF) Grant-DOI: 10.55776/AR822

Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Sabina Holzer & Florian Reiners – ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEITEN Herzkammern des Denkens

The answer we will provide is simple yet elementary and thus highly question-able: It was their *heart* that made them do it – their sensitised taste. Their mind demanded terms to be connected to affectations in such a way that they unfolded into a new image of thought matching the stirrings of the heart. Thought affectations // affectations of thought // red matters of the heart. It is precisely them that appear to strive for the completion of a double gesture where heart and mind walk hand in hand; thinking, feeling, tasting, reflecting!

To tackle such questions of how philosophy went performance, Arno Böhler has invited the following artist-philosophers into Volkstheater Wien’s Rote Bar: Susanne Valerie Granzer (actor/artistic research), Sabina Holzer (dancer/artistic research), Florian Reiners (actor, professor of speech science)

Susanne Valerie Granzer is an actor and a retired university professor for acting at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts’ Max Reinhardt Seminar, where she started to teach ‘aesthetics as ethics’ in 2021. In parallel with her acting career, she took her doctoral degree in philosophy at the University of Vienna in 1995.

Arno Böhler teaches philosophy at the University of Vienna’s Institute of Philosophy (faculty member) and is a guest lecturer at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts’ Max Reinhardt Seminar. He is currently heading a PEEK research project on the role of the heart in artistic research and performance philosophy, funded by the Austrian Research Fund (FWF), grant DOI:10.55776/AR822*

Florian Reiners is a professor of speech science at the Max Reinhardt Seminar. He works as an actor, performer, and author. Publications include Florian Reiners, Susanne Altweger: Das gesprochene Bild – Die Methode zum lebendigen Sprechen zur künstlerischen Sprachgestaltung (The Spoken Image – The Method of Vivid Speaking for Artistic Speech Design), Falter Verlag 2022.

Sabina Holzer works in the field of extended choreography. She creates performances and interventions for public spaces, galleries, museums, and theatres, including: Lentos Museum für Moderne Kunst, Essl Museum, Hidden Museum, dOCUMENTA (13), Die Angewandte, ImPulsTanz, Im_flieger, Tanzquartier Wien, SEAD.

* PEEK project ‘Arts in Philosophy: Philosophy in the Arts. On The Significance of the *Heart* in artistic research and performance philosophy’. Sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant-DOI: 10.55776/AR822. Excursion as part of the lecture ‘What is performance philosophy?’ by Arno Böhler (University of Vienna, Institute of Philosophy)



Rote Bar, Volkstheater Wien in co-operation with brut Wien, base Collective, and Wiener Festwochen.

Dates & Tickets

June 2024

Wed. 19.06.2024, 18:30
Free admission / Currently fully booked

Rote Bar at Volkstheater
Arthur-Schnitzler-Platz 1, 1070 Vienna

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