Asher O'Gorman

stroke all the colours out of the sky

a portrayal of the artist’s process

brut nordwest
Visual arts / Performance / exhibition World premiere in English
{Viscous feelings} {Material crush} {Revealing process}

Did you ever spend time standing next to a sculpture wondering how it came into being? Asher O’Gorman works in collaboration with three Vienna-based visual artists Sophia Gatzkan, Julia Haugeneder and Lukas Hochrieder who work within the medium of sculpture and object art to discover, choreograph and reveal their physical process within the art of making.

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, © Christine Miess

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky. a portrayal of the artist’s process

, ©

Asher O’Gorman – stroke all the colours out of the sky

, © Foto: Ciwan Veysel M. / 3D-Grafik Klimentina Li

Asher O'Gorman stroke all the colours out of the sky

, © Foto: Ciwan Veysel M. / 3D-Grafik: Klimentina Li

Asher O’Gorman stroke all the colours out of the sky 

The line of today is not the line of tomorrow.
Shaving skin, full buckets, crumbling the reminiscence of clay worms scooped into urns, to hold,
the death and life of an artwork coming into being. Slaughtering.
Squeezing blueish nuances tight.
Forms of pleasure and work, busy to evoke, busy to be, borrowed from sites of memory.
A reason to touch, a move to seduce, a shape that might hold —
brace and be braced”.
Asher O’Gorman, 2022

Three visual artists perform a composed account of them at work. The performance exhibits ‘the artist process' which entails elements of the precarious and the phenomenal; The unravelling of the ravelled; Ritual and spectacle; The edge of “failure”; Intimacy and vulnerability. Buckets of glue, rolls of plaster, slabs of clay, red bricks and strips of metal perform as the artists generously allow the usually hidden sight of them 'making' to emerge. They move between skilful, practical movements, new experiences and revisit biographical events which tease perceptions of what's real and what's imagined. Multidisciplinary artist Christa L. Wall creates the sonic layer for this work. Following the performance, the audience is invited to view an exhibition of the inscribed objects.

 Irish artist Asher O’Gorman works both as a dancer & maker in various collaborative settings. Her work is a meeting of choreographic and visual art practices that open out the metaphysical manner in which we engage with objects and each other. Asher holds a B.A.(Honours) in choreography from Dartington College of Arts (UK): Graduated from dance and choreographic training in (SEAD) Salzburg in 2008: Completed her MA with distinction at the TransArts Department, University of Applied Arts, Vienna 2021. In the brut-programme Asher O’Gorman has been featured before with the project the way of ink ••o• (2020), Other recent works from her include: if a bee falls in(to) a box (2021), petals on wet black tarmac (2022).

Christa L. Wall is an Austrian multidisciplinary artist based in Vienna. With a tentacular way of thinking, Christa Wall touches on the space between performance and singing, poetry and ritual, folk culture and queerness. Her/Their work unravels aqueous poetic soundings and luring chants.

Julia Haugeneder is a sculptor living in Vienna. Her practice is fed by an interest in everyday objects, film history and contemporary philosophy. She has had numerous exhibition participations in museums, institutions as well as galleries.

 Lukas Hochrieder lives and works in Vienna. He studied visual arts at the Academy of fine Arts Vienna and Paris & Theater-, Film- and Media Studies (University of Vienna). He works within sculpture, drawing, installation, and site-specific practice.

 Sophia Gatzkan is a visual artist, based in Vienna. In her work lies an ongoing fascination with the subject of the human body as a complex field of power relations. She had various exhibitions in Austria and Abroad. Also Sophia had various collaborations within the performing art field shown locally and in Sweden.


The show on 30 January will be followed by an artist talk.


Choreography Asher O’Gorman Created with and performed by Sophia Gatzkan, Julia Haugeneder, Lukas Hochrieder Sound and Performance Christa L. Wall Styling mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni Lights and Graphic design Klimentina Li Artistic consultant Costas Kekis Production support Magdalena Stolhofer Assistant Stella Leiste Movement Training Katharina Senk Photos Ciwan Veysel M. Video Ramiro Wong

A co-production by Asher O’Gorman and brut Wien. With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs, The Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport and Bildrecht SKE. Supported by BEARS in the PARK & HOOD for Artist Parents.


Dates & Tickets

January 2023

Sat. 28.01.2023, 20:00
Choose your price €22 / €16 / €11

Sun. 29.01.2023, 20:00
Choose your price €22 / €16 / €11

Mon. 30.01.2023, 20:00
Sold out! Remaining tickets at the box office / *The show on 30 January will be followed by an artist talk moderated by Costas Kekis.

Tue. 31.01.2023, 20:00
Choose your price €22 / €16 / €11

brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna


Evening programme_stroke all the colours out of the sky (PDF)


Event recommendations

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09.02.2023 - 11.02.2023

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Austrian premiere
in German and English (with surtitles)

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