Veza Fernández

From Silence to Word

brut nordwest
Workshop in English
{Speaking gymnastics} {Self talk in dialogue} {Pillow talk poetics}

In this workshop Veza Fernández shares the bodily speaking techniques she has developed in the framework of her new work Behind my four walls I call you my friend. Departing from the body and its imaginary, the participants will be invited to find different ways to stimulate a never ending stream of words. A gymnastic of the tongue and the ear that will train our bodily imagination to be in different spaces at the same time, completely alone and yet completely together. A soliloquies is to have a staged dialog with yourself. In order to have a staged dialog with your self  you will need at least two addressees, the audience and yourself. How can we play with plural forms of addressing and being addressed while talking with ourselves as a way of exploring different form of connection in disconnection?

, © Veza Fernández

Veza Fernández – From Silence to Word

Dates & Tickets

December 2022

Sun. 04.12.2022, 15:00 - 17:00
Pay as you wish / Please register via ticket button

brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna

Event recommendations

03.12.2022 - 08.12.2022

Veza Fernández

Behind my four walls I call you my friend

Performance / Dance
World premiere
in English

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