Powerjam / A party called JACK

Anniversary party

15 years of brut

brut nordwest
{Teenage brut} {Roller disco} {Dance till you drop}

On November 19th, brut celebrates a half-round birthday with a party. We warmly invite artists, audience, friends and companions of 15 years to celebrate brut! In keeping with the teenage years, the party will be accompanied by the roller skate community Powerjam. For the roller disco, the concrete floor of brut nordwest will be transformed into a dance floor for dancing on eight wheels. Also all party guests without skate ambitions are explicitly welcome and can shake off-skate – away from the roller rink. The matching sound between soul, funk, hip-hop, house and R&B is provided by the artist collective A party called JACK.

, © Christine Miess

brut Wien



Info Roller skate disco

Wearing protective equipment is strongly recommended. Please bring your own if required, as this equipment is not lent out. 

The roller disco slots are sold out.

Participation in the roller disco is possible with your own roller skates as well as with borrowed roller skates. The rental fee is 9€ and is paid directly at the registration. The shoes will be given to you on site upon presentation of the purchased ticket.





Info Off-Skate Party


Party guests without skate ambitions are warmly welcome! Attention: due to limited capacity we still strongly recommend to get a free ticket via webshop. The ticket should be presented at the entrance. 

All off-skate tickets are sold out, for the waiting list please contact tickets@brut-wien.at






7:00 pm Doors Open
8:00–8:15 pm Opening Performance Powerjam
8:15–9:15 pm Skating Slot 1
9:15 pm Interlude Performance Powerjam
9:30–10:30 pm Skating Slot 2
10:30–10:45 pm Closing Performance Powerjam
11:00 pm End of Rollerdisco
11:00 pm –2:00 am Dancefloor continues Off-Skate


Dates & Tickets

Info  Roller skate disco

The roller disco slots are sold out!
Wearing protective equipment is strongly recommended. Please bring your own if required, as this equipment is not lent out. 

Participation in the roller disco is possible with your own roller skates as well as with borrowed roller skates. The rental fee is 9€ and is paid directly at the registration. The shoes will be given to you on site upon presentation of the purchased ticket.

Info Off-Skate Party

Party guests without skate ambitions are warmly welcome! Attention: due to limited capacity we still strongly recommend to get a free ticket via webshop. The ticket should be presented at the entrance. 

All off-skate tickets are sold out, for the waiting list please contact tickets@brut-wien.at.

November 2022

Sat. 19.11.2022, 19:00
Doors: 7:00 pm / Start: 8:00 pm / Sold out!

brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Vienna

Event recommendations

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World premiere
In German and English / Duration: 90 minutes

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Veza Fernández

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in English


Let's talk about brut

Dance till you drop: Teenage brut celebrates it's 15th birthday with Powerjam & A party called JACK

15 years of performance, dance and theater! Artists, audience, friends and companions from 15 years were invited to celebrate brut! According to the teenage years, the party was accompanied by the roller skate community Powerjam. For the roller disco, the concrete floor of brut nordwest was transformed into a dance floor for dancing on eight wheels. Also off the roller skate rink, people celebrated to the sound of the artists' collective A party called JACK. Christine Miess captured the atmosphere for us in these pictures.
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