Changes to the brut programme in December

Two planned productions in December have to be postponed: "LOIE (is a fire that cannot be extinguished)" by Claire Lefèvre and "now" by Inge Gappmaier will be presented in 2024. We are working on new dates in collaboration with the artists and will inform you about the rescheduled dates as soon as possible. The guest performance "The Feeling of Home" by Frans Poelstra & Oleg Soulimenko with support from Oliver Stotz planned for February unfortunately has to be cancelled. Read more about the programme changes in this article.
Let's talk about brut
, © brut Wien

brut Wien

Dear brut audiences, artists, partners and collaborators,

this summer, a fire damaged large parts of the technical equipment of brut and set a heavy blow to the newly created plans and designed programme. Nevertheless, the brut season could start without any restrictions to the programme at first. However, after these months of struggling, we had to realize and accept, that with the resources currently available and increased by staff absences, the programme cannot be continued as planned.

We are deeply sorry to announce, that facing that challenging situation, we cannot keep up with the business as usual. Now is the moment to set up the space again and bring in the new technical material. Therefore, we need to postpone two planned productions in December: LOIE (is a fire that cannot be extinguished) by Claire Lefèvre and now by Inge Gappmaier will be presented in 2024. We are working on new dates in collaboration with the artists and will inform you about the rescheduled dates as soon as possible.

The guest performance The Feeling of Home by Frans Poelstra & Oleg Soulimenko with support from Oliver Stotz planned for February unfortunately has to be cancelled.

brut is aware that those changes signify acute and painful consequences for the artists, as they are working in the freelance field and therefore are always more vulnerable and precarious than any institution will ever be. We apologize sincerely for the worries, the uncertainty and the extra work that goes along with those rescheduling processes and take full responsibility for this decision.

We are grateful for the courageous and honest feedback we got from our collaborators. brut is truly looking forward to welcoming the postponed productions next year.


Information in PDF format


01.12.2023 - 06.12.2023

Claire Lefèvre

LOIE (is a fire that cannot be extinguished)

Postponed to March 2024

Dance / Lecture performance
World premiere
in English

15.12.2023 - 19.12.2023

varukt | Inge Gappmaier


Postponed to 2024

Installative dance performance
world premiere
no language skills needed

02.02.2024 - 03.02.2024

Frans Poelstra & Oleg Soulimenko

The Feeling of Home


Performance / Music / Dance
Austrian premiere
in English

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