Artwork Season 2024/25

The artwork for season 2024/25 by filmmaker and interdisciplinary artist Nigel Gavus focuses on the performativity of everyday life and coincidences. The ‘Marocats’ series shows street cats in order to visualise their everyday situations and capture them as a contemporary document.
Let's talk about brut
, © Photo: Nigel Gavus / Graphic design: Fondazione Europa

brut Artwork Season 2024/25, Marocats (Color Photographs, 2024)

, © Graphic design: Fondazione Europa / Text: Alex Hunter

brut Artwork Season 2024/25

, © Graphic design: Fondazione Europa / text: Alex Hunter

brut Artwork Season 2024/25


Nigel Gavus (*1992), is a filmmaker and interdisciplinary artist based in Vienna, Austria. He studied at the School for Independent Film – Friedl Kubelka and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. In his work he deals with time, memory, identity and the relationship between poetry and cinema. The fundament for his other artistic practices are based on the medium of photography, which he often combines with mixed media – like found materials, embroidery and the experimentation of printing. The performativity of daily life, as well as collaborations with other artists play a major role in the process of his creation. All works have a diary-like approach, each of it as a building block for the next, generating a personal and interconnected oeuvre. He lives and works in Vienna and Graz, Austria.

Graphic design & text

The design of our posters is done by FONDAZIONE Europa; text: Alex Hunter / instagram:

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