McKenzie Wark

A split image: On the left, a person (McKenzie Wark) with short hair, a white top, and a soft expression. On the right, another person (Ariadne Randall) in an artistic, transparent armor-like garment with chains and an intricate headpiece, standing in a striking pose with their eyes closed.
, © Z. Walsh & Francesca Centonze

McKenzie Wark & Ariadne Randall

McKenzie Wark is best known for a series of books on 21st century critical theory and on alternative histories of Marxism. Her most recent, post-transition works of autofiction and autotheory – including RavingReverse Cowgirl and Love and Money, Sex and Death – brought her a lot of media attention. She is a professor of media and cultural theory at the New School in New York. For Ariadne Randall’s piece Reverse Cowgirl II: Ride To The Top, which can be seen as part of imagetanz 2025, she wrote a entirely new text.

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