DARUM (Victoria Halper & Kai Krösche)


DARUM (Victoria Halper & Kai Krösche)

DARUM (Victoria Halper & Kai Krösche) creates performances, installations, films, sound, video and media art. Deliberately blurring the lines between fact and fiction, DARUM creates pieces that try to direct the audiences’ focus on the unappeased and the contradictory associated with exceptional states and phenomena in our society. DARUM’s first performance in Vienna, Ungebetene Gäste (2019), was invited to Impulse Theater Festival in 2020 and nominated for a NESTROY special award. The duo’s performance installation Ausgang: Offen (2020), turned into a film due to COVID restrictions, was nominated for a NESTROY special COVID award, and its third and so far most recent performance production in Vienna, Heimweh (2022), won DARUM the 2023 NESTROY special award. DARUM’s film and media art projects have been presented in Germany (Hofer Filmtage; die digitale, Düsseldorf), Austria (Diagonale, Graz) and the United States (Seattle International Film Festival, Brooklyn Film Festival), among other places. www.darum.at

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