Angela Alves

Angela Alves lives in Berlin with a chronic neurological illness and works as a choreographer, dancer and cultural worker at the interface of art, body and politics. In her work, she questions dominant social narratives of “healthy” and “sick” and brings her sensitive and intelligent nervous system to bear in her exploration of voids and contradictions. From the perspective of “lived experience”, she creates anti-ableist performances and sound installations as well as a cultural practice of mutual care and solidarity, which Angela Alves trains in collaboration with others.
Angela Alves studied dance at ArtEZ (NL) and dance studies at the FU Berlin. Since October 2023 she has been working as an artistic collaborator in Prof. Claire Cunningham’s project team at the Hochschulübergreifenden Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT), where she researches, teaches and practices neurocrip-feminist practices such as resting, cessation and pleasure.

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