Dominik Grünbühel & Charlotta Ruth – GHOST AUDIENCE
Charlotta Ruth and Dominik Grünbühel live and sometimes work together. This video was conceived in a period where children, disease and online performance blurred with their artistic practice.
Charlotta Ruth plays with time and perception inside choreography, game design and artistic research
Dominik Grünbühel works with performance, music and video, often as a duo with Luke Baio
In October Living Documents I-V, five looped live installations will be performed at different locations in the 15th district.
Concept, Performance Dominik Grünbühel & Charlotta Ruth
Guest performers Gilbert & Ritva Grünbühel
Music Camille Saint-Saens – Danse Macabre
14.03.2020 - 15.03.2020
Dominik Grünbühel & Charlotta Ruth
Living Documents I–V (ABGESAGT)
mit Jenni-Elina von Bagh, Anna Öberg und PETER
Performance / Installationsloop
Österreichische Erstaufführung
in englischer Sprache
False Memory Syndrome – Living Documents I-V
Due to the decrees issued by the Austrian federal Government in order to gain control over the pandemic in March, "Living Documents I - V" could not be performed during imagetanz. Georg Eckmayr had been asked by Dominik Grünbühel and Charlotta Ruth to document the 5 looped choreographic installations. He did it anyway and the result is his film False Memory Syndrome.
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