Handle with care featuring Inge Gappmaier – protect.

Dancer and choreographer Deborah Hazler shares her thoughts about the imagetanz Handle with care featuring Inge Gappmaier – protect.
imagetanz Letters for later
, © Alexander Kjutev

Handle with care mit Inge Gappmaier – protect.

, © Alexander Kjutev

Handle with care mit Inge Gappmaier – protect.

, © Alexander Kjutev

Handle with care mit Inge Gappmaier – protect.

Deborah Hazler

For Inge, From Deborah


I watched your work.

            How do you see yourself?


I saw strong daring simplicity.

            Do you see yourself for who you are?


I watched something delicate with soft angles.

Do you have to see your body, to know that you are there?


I heard the squeaking hinges of a door.

            How can we deal with the world outside?


I saw familiar shapes that you made unique in your body.

            Do you think there are patterns in your body that you aren’t aware of yet?


I saw a small body in a small space, perhaps wishing that the walls of protection were much further away.

            Can the wind take you somewhere you have never been?


I watched your hands tremble and your neck and your face turn slightly red.

            Which do you prefer?


I saw you lying on the floor - face down and still for a longer moment.

            Is there always the struggle of letting go and being in control?


I saw you watching yourself dancing on a video screen.

            Do you think we sometimes make things harder for ourselves?


I watched your hands and arms dancing together.

            Can familiar partners still surprise each other?


I watched you reflecting on your body.

I saw my reflection in your body.


Deborah Hazler is a dancer and choreographer living in Vienna, Austria. She is the co-organizer of RAW MATTERS, whose aim is to support performance artists by presenting their works in process. She is currently enrolled as a student for Textil Kunst Design at the Kunstuniversität Linz. She will see what happens with that.


Ein konzeptionelles Bild einer Person in Bewegung, mit überlappenden Silhouetten dargestellt. Die Figur trägt ein schwarzes Oberteil und hellblaue Hosen und erscheint in mehreren verblassten Positionen, was Bewegung oder einen zeitlichen Schichteffekt suggeriert. Der neutrale Hintergrund unterstreicht die ätherische und dynamische Wirkung des Bildes.

Ein schwereloser Ort zum Staunen

Interview mit Inge Gappmaier
16.03.2019 - 17.03.2019

Handle with care mit Inge Gappmaier


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